Chapter 44

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I cleared my throat again and shifted in my seat, trying to relieve some of the tension that I felt. "So, this happened back in ninth grade like I stated before," I said. "I have known Treble for as long as I have known the twins, Mack and Jack." I gestured to the twins, and they waved in greeting. "We all went to the same elementary school together starting in Pre-K, and boy, let me tell you, that boy was not right in the head even then."

Again, I cleared my throat and shifted while I pressed my lips into a thin line. "Copo used to be the Vice Principal at our elementary school before he was moved over to the high school, and I remember telling him one day that Treble was going to kill someone some day." I looked at my ex-principal and raised an eyebrow. "What? That was in either first or second grade?" I asked and raised it higher.

"Second," he replied and leaned back in his seat. "This was after a field trip we took to the zoo; you and I were talking about something before he passed us, and you looked at him, pursed your lips, and narrowed your eyes before you looked at me and said, "that boy is going to kill someone some day if he doesn't watch himself.""

"Hmph." I smirked and nodded. "Sounds about right," I said before I grew serious and not my normal self while I thought about that day. "He killed something then, and the light, his innocence, was dying faster," I mused. "We've been in the same class before ninth grade, but I normally kept away from him since he had told me to "fuck off" while I tried to keep him from going to a place where he couldn't come back from."

I flicked my finger to the side. "That was in first grade. I warned him then, but he didn't care and continued down the wrong path."

"I warned my teachers, the principal, the vice principal, anyone that could get him help that he was going down the wrong path and that he could hurt someone in the future, but no one listened to me." I raised my hand when Copo opened his mouth, and he closed it. "I must admit that there were a few that actually took me seriously like Copo and Charlie, but the rest didn't and the majority of the people ruled, claiming that I was only making things up and being a bully to poor little Treble." I rolled my eyes and gagged. "That boy was far from innocent."

The new group looked at each other before Bryson cleared his throat and shifted in his seat. "When did it become obvious that you were right this whole time?" he asked.

I shrugged and took a bite of my food. "It started in about sixth grade that the teachers started to think that I had been right from the start," I said while I covered my mouth a bit. "Treble had been doing these stupid pranks that started to hurt people and shit, and I watched it happen and tried to put a stop to it when I could."

"Did Treble ever try something on you?" Gracie asked.

"Ha! He knew better," I said and snorted. "He knew that I would kick his ass if he did something to my friends or me, so he left us alone even if I wasn't there to protect my friends." I pursed my lips and narrowed my eyes, my anger spiking. "However, that didn't stop him when we were in ninth grade, and I went to Julliard for the weekend to see what it was all about and if I wanted to go there for singing, dancing, and acting after high school."

"Will you?" Grayson asked, and I shrugged while I took another bite of my food.

"Haven't thought about it," I replied bitterly, even though I had.

I did want to go there and pursue a career in being a triple threat, but having heard what happened to my best friend while I was away and at the school had left a sour taste in my mouth.

If I had been there, I could have prevented it from happening, I thought and cleared my throat while I looked at Kayla before I looked at the rest of the people that were gathered. Or it could have happened to someone else at a different time, and I wouldn't have known about it until it was too late.

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