Chapter 59

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The rest of the day flew by with nothing exciting happening except for me almost scaring the shit out of Sergio and having him mad at me for the rest of training. He was so "mad" that he didn't talk to me for the rest of the session and had to keep reminding himself that he wasn't going to speak to me until something, whatever that something maybe, happened.

I did apologize to him at the end of the training session, even though we both knew that I wasn't really sorry, and he had waved me off with a flick of his hand.

I had a feeling that he was going to keep the silent treatment going for a while until he had completed his revenge, but I also had a feeling that he was going to break it the next day.

"Ten bucks says that Sergio is going to talk to me tomorrow evening when I come in," I said while I texted Chewie again to see if he would respond.

Charlie snorted and looked at me before he looked at the road. "I don't think that he will," he said. "He has a plan, and he is going to stick to it until his "revenge" has been completed."

I rolled my eyes and snorted while I scowled. "Honestly, I'd like to see what that revenge is going to be," I said before I sent a group text of Chewbacca screaming after no response from Chewie. "Does that mean you want to make the bet?" I looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"I am your teacher, Miss Lanchester," Charlie said, not looking at me. "I do not bet with students."

I rolled my eyes again and scowled. "This is after school activities where we are on the same playing field, Charlie," I said. "There is no need to say that you are my teacher when you aren't at this moment."

"But when we are at school, you are my student." He winked teasingly, and I rolled my eyes and scowled while I narrowed my eyes at him.

"For some reason," I replied and folded my arms across my chest, setting my phone in my lap. "How are you able to move grades with us so quickly?" I asked and raised an eyebrow while I stared at her. "Like, seriously. Why don't you stick with one grade and stay there?"

"Because I don't want to and didn't have to," he replied and shrugged. "Haven't we had this discussion before?" He glanced at me and raised an eyebrow before he looked at the road again.

I rolled my eyes again and scowled. "Yes," I huffed. "We have, but I know that there is more to it than, "the teachers you are replacing had better things to do,"" I said, quoting him mockingly. "Some of those teachers have had those jobs longer than you."

He shrugged and looked nonchalant. "I just fill in where I am needed," he said. "I don't know why you think there is a different reason than that."

I looked at him and narrowed my eyes while I scowled. "Because I know you, Charlie," I said, and he looked at me with a raised eyebrow before he looked at the road again. "I know that there is something going on behind the scenes that you don't want me to know about yet."

"Hmph," Charlie said. He looked at me with a look of sadness in his eyes before he cleared his throat and turned his gaze back to the road. "Are you saying that you are "seeking for a truth" that might not be the truth?" he asked and raised an eyebrow.

I rolled my eyes and scowled while I pressed my lips into a thin line. "I don't know what you mean by that, but I do know that I am searching for a truth that is there but it's something that you don't want me to find out, yet," I replied. I looked at him and gave him a pointed look.

Charlie didn't say a word and shrugged. His gaze grew softer and then became blank, but again, he didn't say a word about what I had said to him.

I sighed and moved a hand through my hair before I leaned my hand against the window and closed my eyes. "Cal hasn't done anything yet," I said, changing the subject, "but I think he is going to try something soon."

Charlie nodded and stayed silent.

"Are you going to get involved?"

"I know nothing," Charlie replied. He gave me a pointed look, and I slowly nodded because that was his way of saying I should be quiet about it unless he wanted me to have him report it to the school before anything happened.

"Hey, Charlie?" I asked when a random thought hit me.

"Hmm?" he asked and looked at me before he looked at the road, indicating that he was listening.

I furrowed my brows and pressed my lips into a thin line before I cleared my throat. "Why did Principal Warner not come into the office after me but instead stayed outside while you and Vice Principal Triste tried to talk to me?" I asked. "What was he doing? He was the one that had told Cal and me to go to his office, so why didn't he follow me in? He did it for Cal when they talked."

Charlie didn't respond and tapped on his steering wheel. He looked conflicted, and I had a feeling that he wanted to talk to me about whatever but didn't because he wasn't supposed to until I "remembered" who I was and had "met" someone face to face.

"Charlie," I pressed, silently pleading that he would go against the orders he received from whoever. "Please."

Finally, he sighed and shook his head, and I pursed my lips in disgust because I knew that he wasn't going to tell me even though a part of him wanted to. "Principal Warner had to do some other business first and thought it would be best if the vice principal and I talked to you first," he said slowly.

I pursed my lips further and wrinkled my nose in annoyance. "That doesn't help me out at all, Charlie," I said, disgusted, "and it doesn't tell me anything."

Charlie shrugged and cleared his throat while he pressed his lips into a thin line. "I know," he replied while he tapped the steering wheel, "but that's all I can say."

I groaned and leaned my head on the window while I closed my eyes. I pursed my lips in annoyance and cleared my throat. "You're such a buzzkill, Charlie, you know that right?" I opened my eyes and looked at him while I raised an eyebrow.

Charlie shrugged again and stayed silent. He wanted to answer my questions; he really did, but he didn't want to cause someone else problems. He wanted to show me the world that I had "forgotten," but he was under orders from someone not to do it until after I had been "claimed."

Until then, he was going to watch over me and make sure that I didn't do anything stupid, even though we both knew that he couldn't stand a chance against the vengeful/mischief part of me.

However, he was someone that I could trust and lean on, and one day, I was going to tell him that I knew who I was and had known it for a while, but that was only when I was ready.

And I knew that he would have my side until then just like he had promised to do so, so long ago.

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