Chapter 11

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Past, 1800s

Cordelia sighed as she relaxed her body in the heated, rose scented water.

The bathing room she was currently in was large and ornately decorated, though like the throne room she had landed in, it was in desperate need of repair.

Faded paint and random holes in the walls, furniture appearing dull due to the thick layer of dust covering it. Candles in rusted candelabras lit throughout the room and into the large bedroom that the triplets had claimed belonged to her now.

Though it was in bad shape, Cordelia was not about to argue when she had never enjoyed such luxury.

Steam from the bath raised into the air while tickling her face, causing her skin to flush and sweat to bead her forehead.

Do not think about it.

Cordelia sighed again, her jaw clenching slightly as she fought against her mind.

Do not think about it.

Her hands clutched the edges of the tub, squeezing so hard that her knuckles turned white.

Relax. Do not think about it.

Closing her eyes, she did everything in her power to calm her mind and be at ease, if not but for a moment.

'I never broke my promise. I just postponed it.'

Cordelia took another deep breath, pushing it out hard as if the solution would be as easy as breathing.

'I never broke my promise.'

Cordelia opened her eyes and sat up; her head tilted down as she stared at the ripples in the water as her sweat began to drip into the bath.

To you, you may not have broken your promise. But to me, you broke it. You broke my trust and tossed it aside like it was nothing more than a broken teacup.

Biting her lip to prevent tears from forming in her eyes, Cordelia wrapped her arms around her body and dug her nails into her skin.

How could he have taken his promise so lightly?

Cordelia's breathing picked up, becoming harsher the more her thoughts took hold of her.

Am I nothing to him?

Am I that disposable?

That insignificant?

With her body shaking, she let out a tiny whimper.

Please, do not leave me, Madness...


"Everything to your liking, My Lady?" A small voice asked, snapping Cordelia out of her spiral.

Lifting her head up and tilting it to look over the tub down, Cordelia gazed down at the little knight mouse who seemed to be in charge of taking care of her.

"It is quite enjoyable, Droyn," she replied with a touch of a smile on her lips.

The mouse's whiskers twitched as he bowed low.

Lifting her arm above the water while rubbing it with the other, Cordelia looked away from Droyn before speaking again.

"Tell me, little mouse. Where has Madness gone?"

She waited for an answer, the only sounds filling the silence was the water splashing as she bathed.

"I... I am not allowed to tell you, My Lady. Sir Madness threatened to dislocate my jaw if I uttered a word about it to you."

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