Chapter 3

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Past, 1800s

During her time in the insane asylum, Cordelia did her best to curve her appetite for the sight of blood.

It had become worse after the death of her parents, and after that horrible first night in the asylum. She knew it was her way of coping with the traumatic events, but she could not understand why the urges were stronger.

And harder to ignore.

She would spend many nights locked up in the padded rooms per her request because she knew that her bloodlust was especially strong that day and she had little control of herself when the cravings hit.

There was one incident when a nurse came to check on her and ended up getting clawed by Cordelia just so she could get a peek at the color.

It was never reported since the nurse seemed to actually like Cordelia and the things she did to help the asylum.

Now that she was out in the world again, she knew she needed to figure out what was triggering her to want to see the precious color and liquid when her original threats were dead in the ground. She also needed a new way to help deter her bloodlust.

Money was low for her, so replacing the craving with food or drink was out of the question. Though, in reality, it did nothing to satiate the hunger to feel the red liquid between her fingers.

To view the beauty under the sun and moon.

She needed something.

Cordelia could feel the cravings begin as she was carted away by horse and buggy, watching the asylum shrink the further away she got.

It was a small warning, beginning with an itch on the tips of her fingers.

She tried her best to ignore it by concentrating on the scenery around her.

The asylum was located deep within the forest, far away from civilized people in case there ever was a breakout.

During the day, the forest was beautiful. Luscious green leaves in large trees that gave wonderful shade when the sun was especially hot and bright. Mushrooms and flowers lining the bottom of the forest floor even with the lack of sun. On occasion, Cordelia would pick non toxic mushrooms for Wild Mushroom Soup that many of the patients loved.

She smiled at the memory of the patients coming to the common room and practically salivating at the smells of her soup.

Cordelia turned her head sharply at the sound of a branched snapping. She was not dense, she knew the forest also held various animals. At times she would get a chance to see the cute creatures that lived in the forest, such as deers, foxes, and squirrels. She would try to communicate with them when no one was around, but she would always end up giggling to herself, feeling silly for even trying, and eventually making peace with the fact that she was not Snow White.

All joyous memories of the forest that kept her separated from society.

But the night was becoming something she had not seen since she was always in the asylum by sunset.

She watched the trees go by as the sun lowered over the horizon, making the forest appear eerie and inescapable. The tree limbs seemed to be reaching for her, taunting her for leaving behind the place she had called 'home' for the past four years.

A howl echoed through the forest, not too far from the buggy. With the help of the cool breeze, the hungry howls felt like the wolves were surrounding them.

How could a change of light make something so wonderful turn into something so frightening?

Cordelia shivered, wrapping herself in the wool blanket that was given to her by the nursing staff. Trying to conjure some happy feelings and memories, she took a sniff of the blanket.

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