5 - Lust (Chapter 2)

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It seemed like a normal day for the circus members. They got up, had breakfast, talked amongst themselves, and all around went through their usual routines. Something was off, though. Not with them, but with Caine. He seemed to just float around aimlessly, not conversing with the circus members like he normally did. Eventually, they walked up to him and confronted him.

"Uh.. Caine? Is everything alright?

Pomni asked. She was met with silence before Caine responded through the circus speakers.

"Hello, my superstars! Now, due to some.. unforseen problems. I am currently out of order. Luckily, I made this recording before anything like this could happen! Now, considering I'm out of order, there will be no adventure today. However, I must warn you that the filters are down as well. And I mean every single one of them. I do trust that you guys won't take advantage of such a situation. Until next time, my dears!"

The announcement cut off, leaving them with this newfound realization. Jax was the first to test it out.


He said, now happily celebrating. The others looked at him. Zooble decided to see if it was true.

"Shit. Bitch. Fuck. Cunt. Wow, it actually works!"

Both Zooble and Jax joined together, cursing their hearts out. Gangle hid behind Kinger, who was still registering what the announcement said. Pomni and Ragatha looked at Jax and Zooble, cursing like their digital lives would end tomorrow. Pomni ended up joining them, having craved a sense of humanity even though she had accepted her fate here. Ragatha sighed and walked off to her room. Jax noticed her and followed. Halfway to her room, Jax tapped her on the shoulder.

"Yo, Raggs. Aren't you gonna join us?"

"Eh.. I guess swearing's not for me."

"Really? Aren't you like, 48?"


"I'm playing with ya, dolly. But still, you sure you don't wanna join in on it? It's pretty liberating, you know."

"I guess it is, but it's not for me, Jax."

"Hm. Alright then."

Ragatha continued to walk to her room. Jax followed. As soon as she made it to her door and opened it, she turned around to face Jax.

"Jax, I already told you I-"

She was cut off as the rabbit pushed her into her room. He walked in and closed the door behind him.

"Nice room you got here, Raggs."

"What the hell was that for?!"

Jax walked around her room, looking at the assortment of beauty items she had. He stopped at a desk, opened a drawer, and took Ragatha's journal out.

"Well, no wonder you told me to journal. Look at this."

"Jax, give that back!"

"Not so fast, dolly~"

Jax held the book above his head, way out of Ragatha's reach. He turned around and opened it, flipping through the pages.

"Let's see what you got here.."


"Oh, look at this. 'Dear, Journal. I can't explain what I'm feeling right now, but I know I've felt it before. I just didn't know I could feel it here. Of course, I know why I'm feeling this way. Because of him.'"

"Jax, wait, don't read that!"

Jax ignored her and continued to read from the page. He handed it back to her after finishing it.

"Wow, never thought you'd be the one to be in heat, dolly."


"Whaaat? It's the truth, isn't it?"

"Well y-yeah, bu-"

Ragatha was suddenly pushed onto her bed, Jax following as he climbed onto her and pinned her to the bed.


"Relax, dollface. You wanted this, didn't you?"

"B-But Caine-"

"Caine who? He isn't here to tell us anything, Raggs. Just relax and enjoy this."

Jax said, speaking into Ragatha's ear. She felt her dress being removed slowly, and heard the unbuttoning of Jax's overalls. Her breathing became heavier as she became increasingly nervous.

"Don't tell me you're nervous, dolly~ You were the one that wanted this, after all."


"You're gonna feel great in a bit, dolly. I'll do all the work."

Jax began to kiss Ragatha's neck. She let out small moans, gradually becoming louder with each kids on her neck.

"Looks like someone's enjoying this~"


"How about we take it to the next step, dolly?"

"H-Huh?- AHH~!"

The feeling of her being penetrated was all too sudden, yet all so pleasing. He went in and out, only causing her moans to become even louder. And just like that..

..she woke up.

She looked around the room. Hers. No sign of Jax. She was biting her pillow and sweating. A lot. She got up, thinking about what she had been dreaming about. She yelled in embarrassment, burying her face into her pillow after. To make matters worse, Jax walked in after hearing her scream.

"You good Raggs?"

She looked up at him, yet avoided eye contact.

"M-Me? Y-Yeah, I'm fine!"

"You sure? You're sweating buckets, dolly. You sick or something?"

"Sick? Me? N-No, I don't feel sick! P-Perfectly fine!"

Jax looked at her for a few more seconds, then shrugged.

"Whatever you say. Cmon, breakfast is ready."

"Oh, r-right."

She took a few moments to collect herself, then left her room and began walking to the main circus. However, she was surprised by Jax walking beside her.

"Oh! Jax, you're walking me to breakfast?"

"Don't I always?"

"Right, I-I forgot."

"You're acting weird, Raggy. Are you sure everything's okay?"

She sighed, facing Jax. She knew she couldn't tell her. Who in their right mind would tell the person they fantasized about that they dreamt of them having sex?

"I'll tell you some other time, okay, Jax?"

She said, standing on the tip of her toes and patting Jax on the head.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine, really."

"..Alright then. By the way you could've asked me to lean down."

"And lose my last sense of dignity? I don't think so mister."

Jax chuckled as the two began to walk again.


I'm officially back to writing, so expect parts to come out a little sooner!

Recommendations are open again, so give me your best ideas!

Sorry for the sudden NSFW part, this was something that I had in mind for a while. I also wanted to try out NSFW writing and see how it works without any visuals so 🥲)

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