9 - Ragatha

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He made her feel something she hadn't in ages. Something she hadn't felt since she arrived in the digital circus. So why can't she just tell him that she wants to be with him? She knows exactly why. Because she's scared. Scared that he'll reject her. Scared that she'll be alone in the circus forever. It wasn't healthy to be thinking those things, especially considering the risk of abstraction. But she couldn't help it.

She laid on her bed, fidgeting with a hairpin, until Jax came in.


Ragatha shouted out in surprise. She dropped the hairpin.

"Jax, knock!"

"What? It's not like you were doing anything, dolly."

"I could've been changing!"

"We can't take our clothes off,  doll face."


Jax grinned as Ragatha continued to reprimand him.

"Just knock next time.."

"No promises. Anyway, what're you even doing?"

"Well, I was playing around with that hairpin until you came in."

She said, pointing at the hairpin on the floor.

"Wow, super fun."

"It's not like Caine takes us on adventures all the time!"

"I'm messing with ya, Raggs. But seriously, you could just ask Caine for something to do."

"If I ask him for something to do, he'll probably make us do hide and seek again. And I don't know about you, but that wheel has to have something against me."

Jax chuckled

"What, you got beef with a digital wheel now?"

"Y-You make it sound dumb! Plus, aren't you supposed to be at lunch right now?"

"Yeah, all of us are. I came to get you."

"..Oh. Sorry."

The two began to walk down the hallway together again. This time, walking slower than before.

"So, how'd you sleep, Jax?"

"Oh I slept greaaat. In fact, I even had a dream."

"Oh? What about..?"

"About a boxing glove punching Pomni in the face"

Ragatha rolled her eyes.

"Yep, definitely your dream."

Jax chuckled again, placing his elbow on her shoulder and resting his head on hers. Ragatha's butterflies were back. She then began to think. Was he doing this on purpose? He was probably teasing her. If so, she needed to get him back for it.

And she knew exactly how.

She grabbed his arm and wrapped it around her neck, then pulled him closer as they walked. She then looked up on him to see his reaction. He was almost completely red.

"Awww, what's wrong, Jax? You nervous?"

"Huh? N-Nah, I'm cool. Why do you ask?"

He said, gulping afterwards. Ragatha began laughing.

"Aw Jax, I'm just messing with you."

"Still can't pull pranks better than me, dolly."

Ragatha rolled her eyes, Jax laughed. They kept walking down the hallway together.

Jerk! (TADC | Jax x Ragatha)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora