8 - You

205 6 3

It was Ragatha's birthday today. She had turned 34.

Jax sat in a chair facing her bed, watching over her. He'd been doing this ever since she was sick. But today was special. Today was her birthday. He was determined to make this the best day of her digital life.

She slowly arose from her sleep, seeing Jax sitting there.

"Jax? What're you doing here..?"

"Did ya forget, dolly? Today's your birthday."

"My.. birthday? ..Oh! Right!"

"Wow, you're that old, doll face?"

Ragatha crossed her arms and huffed.

"I'm not."

Jax tilted his head to the side and grinned.

"Cmon, Raggs. The others are waiting for you."

Jax held out his hand, and Ragatha took it, butterflies immediately filling her stomach as she did. It was only until they made it to the table with the others and sat down when Jax let go of her hand, his face a shade of pink. After they had cake, Ragatha left to her room. Jax followed.

"Uhm, Jax, what're you doing?"

"Somethin wrong, dolly?"

"Uhhh.. you followed me to my-"

Jax stepped in, closing the door behind him.

"Room.. J-Jax?"

"What, Raggs?"

He said, looking down at her. Ragatha became a stuttering mess, her cheeks becoming a deep red.

"I-I.. uhmm.."

Jax stared at her for a few seconds, then burst out laughing.


"Aw man Raggy, you were a complete mess."

"..What just happened?"

"Relax, dolly. I just wanted to ask you if you could come over sometime and help me clean my room."

"Why can't you do it yourself?"

"I don't feel like it."

Ragatha kicks Jax lightly, making him laugh.

"Alright alright, I'll do it myself."


"Later, dolly."

He said, exiting her room.

Zooble watched as Jax left Ragatha's room. Her suspicions began in that moment.

Over time, Zooble noticed this happening more often. Jax and Ragatha would often come to breakfast together. To lunch together. To dinner together. Sometimes he'd disappear into her room and wouldn't be back for hours. Zooble didn't think much of it at first, but they eventually began to think something was going on between the two.

"Hey, Gangle."

"Yes, Zooble?"

"D'ya think anything's going on between Jax and Ragatha?"

"Um, no, I don't think so.. why?"

"Ugh.. I've noticed something about them. They seem close."

"Uhm.. well yeah, Jax and Ragatha have always been close.."

"I know, but they seem like, super close."

"How so?

"Well think about it. Sometimes they show up to breakfast together."

Jerk! (TADC | Jax x Ragatha)Where stories live. Discover now