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Jennie's Pov:

We were all gathered in the conversation pit, relaxing, when Chaeyoung burst into the room, startling all of us. "Turn on the TV!" She rushed towards the remote, activating the screen and switching to the international channel. "Cha, what's going on?" I sat up, curious.

She changed the news channel, and I saw a headline that made me drop to my knees. "Breaking news: there was a fatal explosion at the Milan airport intersection as a huge truck collided with a large escalade carrying more than four people, crashing into an electric pole and causing a massive explosion. Rumours suggest that the car contained two influential women from the Italian and Russian mafia."

Chayoung gasped, covering her mouth in shock. I approached her, my mind racing to comprehend the unfolding events. "Cha, what's happening? Is Elara okay?" I queried, desperate for answers.

The news report continued, revealing that the Russian mafia's notorious head, Svetlana Zaitsev, and a woman rumoured to be the head of the Cassano family were potentially involved. It took a moment to register – Cassano, that was Chayoung's name. A wave of realization swept over me. "Chayoung, that's your name. Who is the woman they're talking about?" I asked, my voice trembling.

Unable to find the words, Chayoung's tearful eyes conveyed the unspeakable truth. "Jennie, I..." she began, struggling to continue. The air grew heavy with unspoken dread. "It's not Elara, right?" I pressed, refusing to accept the unthinkable.

The silence lingered, broken only by the distant hum of the TV. Chayoung's tearful gaze confirmed my worst fears. "Why aren't you talking? Cha, it can't be Elara, right?" I pleaded, tears streaming down my face as I dropped to my knees. Jungkook walked up to me hugging me from the side, "Breathe jennie, breathe. She is going to be alright." I bawled in his arms. He continued to comfort me, "Breathe, Jennie, breathe. She's going to be okay," he reassured me,

"I need to call Kai!" I exclaimed suddenly, a surge of determination pushing me forward. Taehyung's face tightened, reflecting a tension that echoed my own. After several attempts, Kai still hadn't picked up. Panic intensified. "Kai isn't picking up, Jungkook. Something's wrong," I gasped, my voice trembling with desperation.

 He patted my back, I quickly pushed him off and ran upstairs bringing out the briefcase to the living room. "I need to find the key!"

Jisoo looked on the verge of tears. "Where is it?" She asked. "It's in our previous home." I ran to my room scrambling for the house keys coming back out with the keys I dashed for the door. "I'll drive!" Jimin ran to the car.  I called out to Jungkook who was following behind me."Come let's go," I sat in the car with Jungkook as he drove. I began to give him directions and the rest followed behind us in their cars. When we got into the neighbourhood, I made Jungkook park the car. "Jennie, are you sure we're at the right place?" He looked confused. "Yes, it is why?" The rest stepped out of their cars looking confused as they stared at the house. "It's... small."

"You guys lived here?" Yoongi looked baffled as we entered. "Yeah, we did. It was only the two of us, so we didn't want a big house. Plus, all the neighbours are like family to us." I unlocked the door and turned on the lights. "Don't judge."

"We were young and just wanted to have a cosy home to come back to at the end of the day," I explained.

The group explored the house, with Jungkook commenting, "It's cute." Taehyung started searching for the key.

"It's in the room where our first core memories were shared," I mentioned, struggling to recall Elara's instructions.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Rosé asked.

Finally, the memory struck, and I blurted out, "The karaoke room!" Racing into the room, memories of laughter and shared moments flooded my mind. Determination fueled our search, and amidst the chaos, I spotted a case under the couch. Pulling it out, I discovered a briefcase containing microphones.

Forced To Marry The MafiaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora