Without him....

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Sangwoo is literally Xiao this chapter 🥶🥶🥶🥶

Xiaos POV:

Baizhu and Qiqi made me stay outside of the infirmary as they operate on Aether. I want to be in there, i want to be with him no matter what happens . I don't want him to die, i can't lose another person. This is why i don't let people stay with me.. nothing good comes from it. So what if Aether is with the abyss, he didn't deserve it. Or did he..? It's not like the abyss are good people and Aether is no exception. He may have killed more than me, is this his punishment from the gods? My nose burns, my throat aches and i can feel tears falling down my face. I dont want him to die i can't handle it, hes done so much for me and i couldn't even protect him in the end im useless if i cant protect him i cant protect anyone.. It should've been me who got hit. If i didn't try to escape Zhongli and fought him myself could all this have been avoided? I can't help but do anything but ponder useless thoughts. My lungs feel heavy and my chests tight as i struggle to breathe the panic sets in then a warm hand touches my shoulder. It feels so farmiliar the warmth and kindness. Aether? Is the operation done?
I turn back expecting to see a radient man with long blonde hair but instead i see a girl with short shaggy blonde hair, Lumine. I never noticed how similar she looks to Aether and it fills me with sadness she must feel the same way as me but im the one pathetically crying while shes staying strong and is comforting me. Lumines arms wrap around me and i cant help but to fall into her arms and weep.

I don't know how long i cried for but i couldn't hold myself up anymore i felt like i was sinking. Everything felt peaceful as i drifted away, Aether do you feel this peaceful?


Lumine POV:

I had woken up earlier today and was informed of what has been happening by Ganyu I couldn't believe it Xiao and my brother, the prince of the abyss?? And Aether is being treated for a life threatening wound. I didn't feel upset and not because i don't care for Aether, of course i care more then anyone else in all of teyvat but instead i knew he would survive. If what I've been told is true Aether will fight for his life for Xiao and me. He wouldn't dare to leave us behind and if he did i.. i don't know what I'd do.. Aether was all I think about all day every day hes the reason I've kept fighting and surviving. Why I've put up with all this bullshit. If i lose him i have nothing.. I came to the room i was told Aether was in and outside i saw Xiao on his knees holding his chest and struggling, this was the same cold Xiao i knew? The same Xiao who never changed his expression, the same Xiao who didn't get close with mortals? I sympathise with him its as if hes expressing my sorrow as well as his own. I can only embrace him while reassuring his so i do. After clinging onto me and wailing for almost an hour he collapses in my arms and falls into a deep sleep. I sit against the door and place Xiaos head in my lap allowing him to sleep. Looking down at his face his eyeliner formed streaks of orange on his face as his tears smudged it all and dried, his eyes were puffy and his lashes seperated into bunches with visable wetness. His face shines brightly in the light. Its rare to get to see Xiao in such a state.

Hours go by and I can't sleep I can only wait i feel so tired, the serene and eery quiet in the hallways makes me feel anxious but i get hit by the alarming sound of Qiqi opening the doors allowing us to come in. I pick Xiao up and realise how light he is (no wonder hes a twink). I walk in to see Aether laying in a bed covered in stitches and bandaids, I place xiao next to him and Xiaos immediate response is to cling to Aether desperately, it truly is a sorry sight. I hold Aethers hand and he doesnt feel warm but hes not cold? Is he okay? I turn to look at Baizhu and his expression is sorry he speaks in a low tone.

"Theres a low chance of survival, we can't do anything but monitor him for the time being, please stay with him for as long as you can. We will be coming every few hours to check on him. If anything happens IMMEDIATELY call for us we will be in the room next door." Then him and Qiqi walk out and silence fills the room again but the light breathing of Xiao and Aether can be heard. Its calming its as though a weight has been lifted. I go and sit by the window, i can finally sleep after seeing my brother i feel like ive completed something.

~ ill probably post another chapter tomorrow and MERRY CHRISTMAS AGAINNN!!!! (it may be the next day for u alr but oh well) and sorry this chapter was so short!!! ~

Hes The Enemy || abyss!aether x xiaoWhere stories live. Discover now