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so sorry for taking such a long break..

Zhongli POV:
I'm assuming it's the blonde boy who has Xiao. I can easily find him then get Xiao back but I'll have to do it without the Quixing or Ningguang finding out.. I'll start with the most obvious place, Wangshuu Inn. It will only take a few hours and a few monster camps if I'm unlucky.

[Time skip]

Arriving upon the inn I saw that it's not lit up at all, it is but a dark silhouette of a large tree in the dark night. The quick sound of a sword being unsheithed but before I could turn around the cold piercing feeling of iron hit my neck. The sword deepening into my skin and i feel a sting as blood trickles down my neck from the cut. It must be that boy.

"You dare to fight an archon?" -Zhongli

"I do dare and I will" -Aether

No one POV :

Aether could feel beneath him the ground gently shaking and then a yellow square appears on the ground directly below him and suddenly a large amount of geo arises from the ground lifting Aether 2 metres into the air as Zhongli summons his polearm and Aether leaps from the pillar onto ground level and swings at Zhongli only to be blocked by a shield. Shocked, he then takes a few step backs in need of a plan but nothing came to mind.. Zhongli quickly steps forward and takes a swing at Aether but luckily enough he dodges the attack. The faint sound of frost could be heard from behind Zhongli as he turns around a flower made from cryo bursts as Zhongli takes a step back from the sudden explosion then an arrow affected with cryo comes flying towards Zhongli as he summons another pillar and blocking the attack. Remembering his main goal, Zhongli looks around frantically in search for Aether but can't see the blonde boy anywhere.

A sinister giggle from a high pitched voice made Zhongli turn around quickly to see a pyro abyss mage and electro abyss mage. Then using his energy he made the ground shake and through the dark clouds a large meteorite came hitting the ground and causing a loud grumble. The land that was hit gained a deep crater while the mages shields broke making them vulnerable and were killed easily. Zhongli wondered where Aether was until the area around him turned dark and looking up, came Aether plunging to the ground with his sword. Zhongli lifts his spear as it slowly lowers as the weight of the impaled Aether heavies the polearm causing it to fall to the ground with Aether. Zhongli stands over Aether with his shield shining ever so brightly.

" You did well but still lost. What a shame " He smiled and lifts his spear from Aethers stomach and holds it towards Aethers head [ like being held at gunpoint ] and asks where Xiao is. Aether stares at Zhongli as his blood fills his throat chocking him until he coughed it out. His eyes started closing slowly and through his last conscious breathes he said "Xiao.." Zhongli shakes his head and decides to use Aether as bait to force Xiao out. Zhongli pierces his polearm into the ground then grabs Aether by the waist to then lift him over his shoulder, the strong smell of blood as it dripped onto him made him laugh. He felt so alive due to the adrenaline, he lives for that feeling.. He wants more.. On his way to the inn he kept being attacked by cryo arrows and he knew it was Ganyu. He was walking up the stairs where he came to a stop once he reached the main floor, waiting for him stood Ganyu and the other Quixing members (like Ningguang and Kequing) all of them armed with there weapons at the ready. This only made him laugh. 

" You all plan to attack the archon you adore so much for a measly abyss member? You should be thanking me instead. What happened to devoting yourself to Rex Lapis, must I remind you I am him? " Ganyu looked very indecisive but she would not back down. 

" The people of Liyue must learn to survive on our own, what happened to retiring? " - Ninggbae

" And we no longer have to adore you. " Xiao appeared in front of Zhongli with his mask on. Zhongli threw Aether to the ground and just stood in front of Xiao without summoning his polearm or anything  but instead smiled.

" You won't actually hurt me, I know you won't " Xiao simply looked at Aether before he swung at Zhongli. Yanfei came running with Yelan up the stairs where she then wrapped Zhongli with strings using her vision.

" You have disobeyed multiple laws after the Quixing gave you multiple chances and that was your last straw, your crimes will be appropriately punished by the law. Let's go. " -Yanfei 

Xiao POV:

Everyone but leaves and I quickly rush to Aethers unconscious body and I realise how much hes bleeding, his wound will get infected if he stays here for any longer, I need to pick him up but i dont want to apply any pressure to his wound so I teleport both me and him to the infirmary in Wangshuu Inn. As he lay on the bed I go and get QiQi from Baizhu and once she sees him she looks at me with pity in her eyes. My face starts heating up and my eyes begin to sting, then under no control i began crying. I broke down I can't handle the thought of living without him..

Hey guys should i end this story in angst or lovey dovey fluff n that?

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