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Esme = epic tale Y/N
Xeno = Xtale Y/N
Color = Fresh Y/N
Ash = Swap Y/N

Core frisk: welcome to the Omega Timeline Cross.
It's been very busy for everyone, but im glad to see you again.
Cross: I remember telling you i could handle this on my own.
Core frisk: And I respected your decision. Inevitably, you would end up here.
Dream: This place is safe. You need to calm down-
Core frisk: Hey! Dream did nothing bad to you.
Violence will get you no where.
Core frisk:You need to recover, dream.
Let's help you with those clothes.

Cross: this is all wrong... did I fail...?
What the hell am i supposed to do now...?
XGaster: (I know it's hard to persuade you, so I will let you choose if you will join me or not.)
Cross: hard to persuade me...? Tch!
I'm here 'cause im followed everyone's orders like a lapdog.
I hope Xeno's doing okay.. I know she followed what I did for a while but then we got separated...
...I don't want to be part of this anymore.
???: Tough times can only be faced by tough people.
Cross: I've already lost enough to believe it, ma'am.
???: take a look around.
Most of those people suddenly lost their homes because of what just happened.
Thankfully, that curious human and the skeleton in yellow have kindly taken us here.
If we survived, we can still try harder.
Cross: they told you things about us to change are mind, didn't they?
???: they just told us the last details we didn't know.
After all, we never had the time to get to know each other properly.


Ash: sorry we could never met properly..
We were to busy trying to figure out how to get out alive
Xeno: sorry about what my brother did to your AU **looked down at the hoodie around his waste** and your brothers...
Ash: no worries I'm sure they're both strong enough to handle it...
Speaking of brothers, isn't that cross over there?
Xeno: what?... CROSS!!
Cross: Huh?.. HMPH!-

*Cross then got tackle hugged by Xeno*

Cross: glad to see you're okay...
???: Queen Toriel! You were right!
????: The restaurant over there has fresh snail pie the king ordered one for you- wait-
Ash: I guess I'll stay for a bit longer Crimson doesn't need me for another hour or so, hope that fine with you.
Queen Toriel: of course dear you can head to the restaurant with Epic and Esme when you need to.
Epic: oh man! It's you...!
Esme: hey girl it's been a while!
Epic: yeah what they said!
I barely recognized you in that weird outfit!
Cross: BACK OFF!
Xeno: I'm sorry but do we know you two?
Epic Toriel: it seems they don't remember any of us, doctor.
Epic: hm... so he really did erase the memories of these guys, huh
Cross: what the hell are you talking about!?
Core frisk: let's just say...
...this isn't the first time that XGasters actions have led to problems.
There was a fragment of your memories that no body else had access to except him.
He erased them forever because of his obsessive perfectionism drove him to do so
Xeno: so you're saying he has done the same thing in the past?
Epic: at first, that old fella would come and go everywhere in peace.
Esme: he went to far one day and used your AU on the pretext of "secret missions".
Core frisk: his corrupt power began to show him fragments of the future, and it became a dangerous addiction.
Creator: since then, he doesn't care to hurt others as long as it doesn't affect the path he's chosen... you all may be his creations but no matter what no body deserves those kinds of things... it really pisses me off..
Epic Toriel: it's a shame that man didn't learn anything. What have I told you about swearing?
Creator: sorry...
Epic: oh man I still remember that day.
Core frisk: it was quite a fuss. I can't help but feel sorry for him.
Cross: what's the point of all this...
It's clear nothing is gonna change.
Xeno: It's would be easier to wipe us out like the plague we are.
Epic Toriel: listen to me, kids.
Perhaps not everything can be saved by fighting or using encouraging words...
How ever, it is absurd to deny your whole existence to make amends for others mistakes.
Epic: sadly we don't know everything you two have been through...
Esme: But, I think you guys are very strong-willed
You proved it to us once, and that's formidable.
Creator: we should probably give them some space, stay safe you two...
Esme: let's go fox!
Toby: I told you my names Toby!
Epic: no! Fox!
Ash: that's what you argue over?
Core frisk: you know, if you allowed nightmare to "help" you In The past-
It would be fair to give Dream and the creator the same chance.
Cross: no.
Core frisk: you just need to remember what really made you come this far.
Look! What a cute drawing you made back then.
I found it after your argument with Ink.
Cross: I was naive.
It doesn't matter anymore.
Core frisk: ...is that all you have to say?
Cross: just leave us alone.
Creator: CORE LETS GO!!

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