Want What You Have

Start from the beginning

"Oh, she takes vacation days now" Tucker was surprised to hear that. She doesn't do that. Miranda Bailey took a vacation day. Ben sensed the shade in his sentence and didn't appreciate it.

"Yeah, mom really values family time" Tuck nodded

"She's even making her famous dip for us tonight" Joey added excited to eat the dip and watch movies. A perfect end to a perfect family day

"So uh you guys got yourselves a build a family. My son. And two other kids. That easy huh Ben" Tucker laughed but Ben failed to see the humor in the statement. Tucker had no idea what this family had been through. Easy wasn't the word to describe it at all.

"Boys head up there with your mom and sister" Ben turned to them. He had enough of Tucker Jones

Tuck and Joey looked at each other and ran ahead. Whatever was about to happen between the men the boys didn't want to stick around for it.

After making sure the boys were out of earshot Ben turned to Tucker
"I'm a gentleman" He smiled "Damn I really didn't want to say anything to you. In fact my wife wouldn't want me to say anything to you but Tucker Jones you have a tendency to run your mouth and you have disrespected my wife and my family in front of me twice now. And I'm going to stop you before you get to a third. My wife is not the same woman you married. Keep that in mind. You guys got married young. She was fresh in her career and you guys had a baby. But here's where we are now. She's a grown ass woman and I'm a grown ass man. So obviously our marriage is going to be different than yours. She's not Mandy anymore that woman is history. That's Dr. Miranda Bailey Chief of Surgery at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. We have two wonderful sons and a daughter now. I am patient with my wife and I show her a level of respect you couldn't be bothered to give her. Even through our ups and downs I hold her with the upmost respect. I don't run and email a woman from mommy and me. So yeah she'll take a vacation day to spend time with me. She'll take a day to come out with our kids to the park. So you can sit there and make your snarky comments but just remember you lost her. She didn't lose you. You didn't respect her then and you don't respect her now. You lost her and she flourished. She's an amazing wife, mother, and surgeon and while you couldn't see that and appreciate that. I do. I love everything about her. I love her with my whole being. As I said I'm a gentleman and I am trying to keep that in mind right now but I will leave you with this. She is my wife and I will be damned if I let her sorry ass ex husband talk down about her or our family. You don't know anything about her now and you know even less about my family. So keep us out of your damn mouth. Worry about your relationship with your son. Worry about your new wife and try to treat her better. Hell worry about when the next mommy and me meeting is but you don't get to worry about what happens in the Bailey-Warren household. Now Tucker you enjoy your fresh air and I'm going to enjoy my build a family as you put it" Ben started to walk away

"Ben" Tucker yelled out

"What man I'm really trying to be a gentleman"

"Yeah me too, I was just joking before. I don't have anything against you or Miranda or your family"

"Lie again. Because I didn't get a chance to cuss you out for yelling at my wife when you found out Tuck called me dad. I'll say this you want what I have. You wished Miranda was the woman she is with me when she was with you but Tucker you weren't worth it. And I suggest you let me walk away before I forget I'm a gentleman" Ben walked towards his family still riled up. They were sitting on the blanket eating the sandwiches and fruit they packed.

"Hey Ben" Joey smiled

"You didn't murder my dad did you" Tuck asked

"With words maybe" Ben ate a grape that Miranda was holding

"Ben what did you say" She asked

"The truth" He shrugged "now let's enjoy this lovely picnic huh"

"You didn't murder a kid at the sandbox did you" He asked

"With words maybe" She shrugged

"Just know he'll be minding his mouth around us" Ben chuckled

"Ben seriously. What did you say"

"I may have called him out on several things and I will not apologize" He kissed her "because I meant them"
Tuck and Joey laughed wondering what Ben said. Tuck respected his father because that's his father but Ben was truly the man he was modeling himself after. 

"He called us a build a family" Joey didn't look up from his food "My birth parents are dead so all I know is a being a part of a build a family I guess. My foster siblings. And now you guys. I like being in a build a family"

"Me too" Tuck put his arm around Joey

"Best family I could have ever asked for" Ben smiled "and remember jealousy is an ugly thing"

"You saying my dad is jealous" Tuck asked

"I'm saying these sandwiches are amazing and we should eat so we can head to those basketball courts and I can show you boys a thing or two" Ben laughed

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