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Ishwari's pov
The war got completed as bhrata said they all died and our children also, now as the war got over we are going to hastinapur.
The next day we all took bath in ganga and started our journey towards hastinapur, all I could see was the destroyed life of people, everyone has suffered in this war all the way as we were on our way back the women's would come to see if their husbands have returned are alive or they have died.
I knew we all have to work for all of them now, but were we different from them, we lost our sons, our daughter-in-laws lost their husbands.
they all were cheering bhrata yudhistir's name but i could feel the sorrow behind that also, but this not the time to be sad instead I have to think of all of them and work for them. As now many family had lost the person who used earn for them.
They all came towards the entrance of the hastinapur palace. Maharaj dritrashtra and Mahamantri vidur were their.

dritrashtra:-i hastinapur's defeated king welcomes you,
yudishtir:- we are no winners we are the ones who have returned killing their own brothers plz forgive us and we are ready to accept any punishment,
dritrashtra :-forgiveness...........its my dharma to forgive u but i cant my heart doesn't let me, why didn't bheem ask for forgiveness ,
bheem:- Tatshree plz forgive me plz allow me touch your feet,
dritrashtra :- no feet come give me a hug,
dritrashtra with his nails harm bheems arms, bheem says plz forgive me plz, dritrashtra pushes him away, Ishwari looks at krishna he assures her
dritrashtra hears duryodhans painful screams
Dritrashtra:- bheem come come hug me,
bheem walks to dritrashtra , krishna keeps a statue beside him in front of dritrashtra, thinking it is bheem dritrashtra harms the statue , the statue breaks in pieces , dritrashtra starts crying
Dritrashtra:- i am sorry bheem i was angry on you son so i did this plz forgive me,
krishna:- maharaj you didn't attack bheem but your anger, bhrata bheem is alive, and so now you forgive him and hug him with all your love,
dritrashtra walks to bheem
Dritrashtra:- i forgive you son
he hug him, and gives him blessings, pandavas, draupadi and Ishwari take dritrashtras blessings, dritrashtra says come sons welcome to hastinapur.

As Arjun and Ishwari are about to enter they hear someone
" Kakashree, kakishree wait"
they both turn behind to see who is it and it was vrishketu, he came and hugged them
Ishwari:- vrishketu.....putr you!! where is jiji
Vrishketu:- mata will come...may I call you Mata and pitashree
Arjun:- yes....come inside with us
saying they both took him inside the palace
Ishwari and subhadra took charumati and uttara to their chambers and made all arrangements for them and then came to the common chamber to discuss
Ishwari:- yes bhrata
Nakul:- we have to decide about jyesth bhrata's coronation ceremony
Ishwari:- bhrata I request you that it should be a small ceremony because all the praja and us also have lost many of our loved once and in that also I am not taking the post as we have kakashree on that post
Yudhishthira:- Ishwari you are right that we will do a small ceremony but about the post at least take some other post
Bheem:- yes Ishwari
Draupadi:- Ishwari then assist kakashree
Ishwari:- as you say jiji
Arjun:- ok, so we should find a auspicious day
Ishwari:- bhrata I want to invite bhabi's and my nephews from dwarka.....charu will also feel good after meeting her mata
Yudhishthira:- yes Ishwari, sahdev send a letter to dwarka
after talking for some time she went to her chamber

after few days the family of dwarka came for the coronation.
On the day of coronation
In charumati's chamber
Ishwari:- putri come, you should also attend the ceremony
Charumati looked at Ishwari with a smile, which surprised Ishwari
Charumati:- Mata I know you will be surprised but you only said that Arya got veergati, so I thought I should not cry and for the establishment of dharma he has given his life and I am proud of him and also that I am blessed to be his wife
Ishwari:- Charu......come we should go and yes bhabi, lakshmana and all will be arriving and lakshmana maybe angry on you, but her anger is also correct.
Charumati:- yes mata, I am worried about uttara
Ishwari:- I am worried for both uttara and subhadra, my every smiling and chirpy sister has become silent, come we should go now
Saying she took charumati with her

yudishtir's abhishek ceremony takes place in hastinapur, dritrashtra thrones yudishtir as the king,

dritrashtra :- vidhur i always behaved rude with you and so i give you the opportunity to give yudishtir the crown,
vidhur:-thanku maharaj, but this opportunity is all of krishna and so lets give him the opportunity,
gandhari is informed about this, she goes to the ceremony and while krishna is about to place the crown she stops him,
gandhari:- Krishna doesn't deserve this opportunity,
dritrashtra:- its great happiness for us that he is doing so,
gandhari:- whatever it is, but Krishna is the reason why my sons are dead , i know he has always fought for the good but he is the one who allowed this war, and you Krishna look at me , i feel like a helpless mother and in this war the biggest adharma is done by you and so i curse you ,
dritrashtra tries to stop gandhari but she doesn't

Gandhari:-Krishna!! like i had to see my family destroyed you will also see your family destroy in front of you, all the yadavs will die killing each other for their blood and you will like a animal rome helpless in forests, and this curse of a mother will sure happen,
Krishna smiles ,
dritrashtra:- gandhari what have you done how could you curse him,
Arjun:- mata instead you could have cursed us to hell ,
Mata kunti:- jiji you have not done right,
gandhari:- i am sorry vasudev but i have seen my 100 sons death,
Ishwari:- so mata you will curse.....I have also seen my sons death.....they were not in all of this....what wrong did they do but then also I didn't say anything to you even though it were your sons who killed them and bhrata didn't killed your sons then of what are you cursing him

krishna:-Ishwari please, Mata gandhari you have not done anything wrong mata
he hugs gandhari ,
Krishna:- mata i know your pain when on war filed people used to die i have felt each ones pain, i am your enemy mata but i am your friend as well, im the one who gave ashvathama curse and i am the one who will bear it i am the one who yelled with duryodhan's pain so i vasudev krishna accept your curse mother, and i promise you mata when my family's destroyance will come close i will be the first one to attack with my sudarshan chakra,
gandhari :- no don't do this i have cursed you in anger,
krishna says no mata you are not wrong , curse are blessings are life's part,
Mata kunti:- Krishna you know your family is going to be destroyed and you did nothing,
Krishna:- bua every one has to die someday, my dwarika people are still leaving in there old thoughts and so they have to go away.
[Ishwari (in mind):- but before all that I will die.....I am also a yadav......bhrata you also cannot stop me that time]
[Krishna(in mind):- as you say sister]

Krishna crowns yudistir as the king, yudishtir and draupadi walk to the throne as the new eras king and queen.

Hope you like this part.
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