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Ishwari's pov

8 months passed from that day I am here in dwarka, that day Gandharaj insulted me I was very much hurt but I have to stay strong for jiji, I cannot say all this to Arjun also as he will blame himself so I am silent.

Here in dwarka I have to be strong as I have to look after Aadhik, abhi and my daughter. Arjun will come back after 13 years and then but I don't think everything will be normal again, I have proved why I am getting this much support and power, I have gained that with my intelligence, the alliances formed by bhrata Yudhishthira were well planned by us in a way that the king cannot deny it and so I was praised.

Only I know what my feeling are a smile is there on my face always but it has many things hidden, not a day passes in which I don't remember him, when I come in front of the mirror to get ready I remember him standing next to me waiting to fill my hairline with sindoor, when I hear the anklets sound I remember he making me wear it and how he used to smile when he used to hear their sound, when I braid my hairs I remember he doing it for me, I can see myself in the mirror but not in his eyes in which I look the most beautiful, I have his jewelry in my chamber because I used to help him wear his jewelry and his bracelet and crown are my favorite, I used to always compliment it.

But Ishwari you have to be strong and look after your kids, you have make sure they follow the dharma, they are getting trained and are kind, I have to fulfill the responsibilities of Arjun also in their life with the help of bhrata's, so you don't have time Ishwari for all of this is what my brain says and I follow my brain not my heart.

With all these i have to be strong for bharda.....she has spend less time with him than me.....i will make sure he gives her more time after the return.....nothing will be soft hearted sister's heart will break seeing the war but only arjun can heal her now......


Ishwari's chamber

Aadhik:- ma!!
he said entering the chamber with Abhimanyu

Ishwari:- yes putr

Abhi:- ma why she is always sleeping
he said looking at his sister

Ishwari:- because she is new born baby, it takes time to adjust with the surrounding

Abhi:- see she is smiling

Ishwari:- yes because her brothers are their near her so

Aadhik:- ma, I miss jyesth bhrata

Ishwari:- I also miss him, but training is also needed putr, and you both will also go to gurukul soon

Aadhik:- yes!! and I will also learn weapons, and will try to become as good as bhrata and pitashri

Abhimanyu:- yes

Ishwari:- never forget your promise

Abhimanyu:- what??

Aadhik:- when you were born......bhrata and me promised choti ma to protect you

Ishwari:- for that you have to be skilled

Abhimanyu:- why??

Aadhik:- you are our little brother so

Abhimanyu:- i am not little.....ira is little and i will always protect her

Subhadra:- that's like a good brother.....abhi
she said while entering the chamber

Aadhik:- we will miss you ira

Ishwari:- okay and what about me and bharda...won't you miss us

Aadhik:- we will but all this is also needed mata

Abhimanyu:- yess

Ishwari:- okay, go and play with samb

Aayush:- yes
saying he left from their

Ishwari:- If Arjun would be here he would have said I made you like me, by hearing your talks
she said with a smile

Just then ira started crying

Ishwari:- what happened my child?? see ma is here only
saying she went towards the cradle

Her life was very different, many princesses wanted her place.....why not she was life of gandhivdhari but this didn't stopped her from facing the troubles

Hope you like this part.

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