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It was evening.

Prince Arjun the twin Prince Nakul and Prince Sahdev have come from forest.

Arjun had went for practicing archery and the twins have been with him as the wanted to collect some medical herbs.

Everyone there was in some rush. Prince nakul had come ahead of his brothers for some arrangement as they have found a injured Unconsciousness girl in the forest so his brothers were bringing her in the chariot and he had come ahead for the arrangements to treat her.

Soon they also arrived with the girl. They took her in a chamber next to that of their mother Kunti.

Arjun was carrying her in his arms, laid her on the bed. He rushed out as they have to treat her.

Meanwhile in the palace of Hastinapur two people were talking.

They were none other than Dwarkadheesh shree Krishn and his beloved sister yadav kumari Subhadra

"I have heard that Parth found a injured girl in the forest bhadre."said Shree Krishna

"Yes bhrata" subhadra continued "so you know who is she, from where is she and why she is here"

Krishna:- Yes I know the answers of all the questions. But before you ask me more questions come let us meet her.

So they went towards the chamber in which the girl was being treated .

There outside the chamber Arjun was thinking something just then Prince Yudhisthira and Prince Bheem came to meet Arjun as heard about the incident and were waiting for vaidya ji to come out and tell them about the health of the Girl.

Meanwhile vaidya came outside and said them that the girl is alright and will gain consciousness in just a while so they went inside to inquire about her when she gains consciousness.

The trio went inside, they saw a beautiful girl lying on the bed, she was wearing some different kind of clothes. But before thinking about it she gained consciousness, they went towards her.

Mata kunti:- Putri what is your name?

Ishwari was thinking who are they? why is the aunty speaking in royal hindi. Okay let it be I will answer her and go to my house maybe she will help me go there.

Ishwari:- My name is Ishwari. She knew a little bit of the language as she used to read books in all three languages.(hindi, Marathi and English)

She was trying to get up but she felt a sudden pain on head.

Arjun:- Devi please don't get up you are still weak.

But as she insisted so he helped her get up and sit.

Mata kunti :- so your name is Ishwari. From where have you come putri.

Ishwari felt very weird as she knew she might have fell unconscious but she was in pune only, so to clear the confusion she thought of asking them where se was.

Ishwari:- Where am I??

"Hastinapur, you are in hastinapur sister" said shree Krishna.

Then he asked the pandavas and Mata Kunti to leave as he and Subhadra want to talk with her.

So as they left Ishwari said" hastinapur, how is this possible?? how much I remember is I was in Pune, so how did I came here."

Krishna:- So sister I know you have to ask me many questions so I will answer all your questions.

Subhadra:- Sister?? so bharta is she our sister and how come I don't know about it and no one told me that a have a beautiful sister.

before she could ask some more questions Shree Krishna cut her in between.

Krishna:- So I will tell you all of this.

so guys I hope you will like this.

so lets see what is the story and how she reached hastinapur.

how she is the sister of shree Krishna and subhadra.

sorry for spelling mistakes.

Do let me know how it is.....

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