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finally today I got time to write.

The Change !!!! instead changes.......

I came here, my life completely many thing happened some good some bad but I had a person with me to support me.

I met him, we became friends, we both got married so we became husband wife, we were earlier friends but with passing time our bond got we are known as perfect couple, I am known for many reasons but one reason is my favorite that is I am Arjunpatni, Arjunsangini..........

Arjun:- I am glad you came here

I am his wife, but today subhadra's questions made me think our marriage.

the biggest shock for me was when bhrata told me about the proposal, pitashri and dau gave me time to think but then also I was confused

I knew he is a good person, I could see the love and care for me in his eyes but still unsure as I thought it is just attraction for him and why not he is such a nice person.

Arjun:- how do you always read my eyes, its a hidden talent

I wanted time to know him to which he readily agreed. If a person accepts and respect your decision than how can he be wrong for you came a thought in my mind and when he talked with me than I thought no one would be appropriate for me except him.

Arjun:-ohh! so much you think, pressuring this small brain with these many thoughts. Arjun said this while smiling.

Its been more than two years since our marriage. I have come here I have a family here, two elder brother and two younger but they are mostly my friends and a sister cum besti.

Arjun:- I just admire your bonds with all of them, but what about me.

What to say about Arjun, he is my soul mate. now even if he doesn't like my craziness and my annoying he has to bear it as he cannot get rid of me so easily.

Arjun:- I know it and I like your nature very much.

he daily speaks something after i feel asleep I can only remember his first sentence and daily it is same "my love you are such a sweet lady.........."

He is happy after knowing I am expecting, he is going to be a father soon. He is a good son, a supportive younger brother, caring elder brother, a good friend, best husband. now I want to see him as a father.

Arjun:- how similar do we think Ishwari, I love you so much for this.

For the aryavart he is the maharathi so they now only one side of Arjun but I know his both sides who must have imagined that maharathi arjun such a good actor, means his fake cries also seems to be real means no one question why nakul is a prankster.

Arjun:- you like to annoy me with your craziness and I like to banter with you

Dasi:- Rajkumar as per your orders I have a message for you that Rajkumari is coming towards chamber

Arjun:- ok

He quickly got up from there and kept her dairy at the appropriate place and sat on the couch in the balcony. She entered the chamber in some moments.

Ishwari:- you are here, I searched you everywhere.

Arjun:- any problem?

Ishwari:- no like this only

Arjun:- ok, come have a seat

Ishwari:- no come lets have a walk in garden then after dinner we will talk

Arjun:- as you say.

At night

Ishwari was on her way back to her chamber when she seen Krishna in the garden so she went there.

Krishna:- so you came

Ishwari:- I have to come only like this riddles you have created

Krishna:- what riddles?

Ishwari:- bhrata don't act to be innocent in front of me and dau ever, what you said to bhadra that she will be married to the person she loves

Krishna:- so I said correct only

Ishwari:- She loved a person but now she is trying to forget him and if anyone of our family keep a proposal in front of her than she may say yes

Krishna:- no, you also know that sometimes what we feel is love is just mere attraction and so maybe with her earlier but now......she loves someone....and will get get married to him only

Ishwari:- answer correctly to me at least, what is in your mind? what is subhadra's future?

Krishna:- without asking a question go to your chamber you will get your answer

Ishwari:- sorry if I spoke rudely to you

Saying so she went from their

Krishna:- think about yourself also sometimes Ishwari. As a elder sister your concern for her future is correct but then also think of your happiness also.

When Ishwari entered her chamber she seen Arjun and subhadra were in the balcony of her chamber talking on something.

[Ishwari(in mind):- Fate has planned something different for her it seems]

Arjun:- Ishwari were are you lost

Ishwari:- nothing, subhadra on which thing is he teasing you today

Arjun:- no Ishwari, always I am not teasing her today we were talking about the archery

Ishwari:- archery? subhadra have you started to learn archery in dwarka

Subhadra:- yes jiji and prince Arjun was just guiding me

Ishwari:- ok, I thought

Arjun:- I am teasing her

Ishwari nodded to his statement, after talking for sometime subhadra left from there.

Arjun pulled her in a hug.

Ishwari:- what happened?

Arjun:- nothing, but today I got to know something so

Ishwari:- what?

Arjun:- Its related to the aryavart no thing important

Ishwari:- ok

[Arjun(in mind):- its so difficult to hide something from her]

Arjun:- you might be tiered come lets sleep

They both sat on their side of bed

Ishwari:- Arjun now after some days sahdev is going to go for the alliance right


Ishwari:- then you

Arjun:- not me we three

Ishwari:- why?

Arjun:- I want you both with me so

Ishwari:-ok, we will see

Arjun:- madhav is going after 2 days

Ishwari:- yes, actually I was thinking that we both should also go to dwarka

Arjun:- okay, but we need to ask to bhrata first then we will go, now you sleep

After some time they both slept.

Hope you like this part.

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