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In hastianpur

Duryodhan tells mamashri about taking revenge from pandavas by means of draupadi(by vastraharan ) , shakuni (mamashri ) encourages this decision of duryodhan saying draupadi has married 4 pandavas which defines her character but remember not to hurt Ishwari and subhadra. Meanwhile Guru Dronacharya enters the sabha of samrat dritrashtra, gandharaj tells duryodhan today guru dronacharya will watch the side of his favorite students which even the whole world hasn't seen.

pitama bhishma comes and tells kauravas not to spoil this sabha and though i am a sevak of hastinapur i am in favour of samrat yudishtir. durydhan tells mahamahim(bhishma) that i have called pandavas and draupadi to apologize my behavior.

Gandharaj tells duryodhan he knew bhishma will do this but u don't worry i will teach him such a lesson to him that he will have to redefine his principles of dharma.

Yudhishthira enters the sabha and samrat driyrashtra greets him and asks him to begin him for the Dyut game. yudishtir invites duryodhan to begin the game. Duryudhan invites gandharaj to inform about the game rules. gandharaj says the game of dyut has always been considered bad in the history.

After discussing the rules they ask the ladies to leave as per the rules decided no lady was allowed their except the dasi.


In hastinapur
The game started and the first round got over and second round started, Duryodhan purposely bet's his brother Vikarn and asks Yudhishthira to bet his brother.
After many arguments they say that we have follow rules so nakul himself decides to be betted as he thought he could be rescued by bheem and Sahdev, with heavy heart yudhistir bets Nakul.

Draupadi after getting to know this sends a hibiscus to Yudhishthira on looking at hibiscus yudishtir gets the message what draupadi wants to says though i am proud of my brothers they are now responsible of draupadi as well so I cant bet on him.

On this mamashri asks yudishtir that before marriage didn't yudishtir had responsibilities towards his brother and did he give all this to draupadi after marriage....on being clearly explained by mamashri about yudishtir being still be responsible towards his brothers he had to bet on nakul.

The game begins yudishtir needs no 4 to save nakul but he gets no 5 ,now was duryodhans turn and he needs no 7 to defeat yudishtir and as mamashri throws the dice ,the dice shows no 7 and duryodhan wins yudishtir loosing nakul and the whole sabha begins to laugh at the samrat who is in tears losing his brother nakul .

On winning duryodhan calls upon nakul and asks him to sit with his das(servant) in his feet , on this bheem and sahdev gets angry

After that Draupadi goes to sabha to stop them but she is send back and she angrily goes back to her chamber

Angraj Karn also leaves for hastinapur after knowing about the dyut.

After a prahar In hastinapur

After losing his brothers and himself Yudhishthira was tricked to staked Draupadi with a painful heart.
Nakul:- I am sure something will happen
Bheem:- Ishwari also came but
Sahdev:- bhrata I am feeling as if she is only going to stop this all but they can harm her and the child
Bheem:- Arjun is their with her so no problem at all.


hearing the news of draupadi being bet ishwari and subhadra leave the chamber.....draupadi is also on the way

the three enter the sabha together

Hope you like this part.

How will they stop it?

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