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Everyone are shocked hearing this. Mata Kunti is shocked to see it is a princess. She asks how can you all describe a girl as a dhan. Yudhistir says she was his Kanya Dhaan and a gift as daughter-in-law. He asks her that she asked them to share her but how can they.Mata Kunti is speechless she looked at Draupadi. Draupadi ran out of there. Mata Kunti calls her but she doesn't stop.

This all Ishwari and Arjun has seen but they both don't know what has happen. they come to brothers and they tell all the incident. They both are shocked.

Yudishtir tells Mata Kunti that it was her mistake. She shouldn't have said without looking. Mata Kunti and Ishwari runs to Draupadi who is at the river side. She admits her mistake. But Draupadi tells what was her mistake. Mata Kunti says that she should be subjected to Drauapdi's wrath as it was her mistake. Draupadi comes down, she says it wasn't her mistake. It wasn't Mata Kunti's mistake too.. Mata Kunti promises to take back her words.

She comes back to her sons, Ishwari is with draupadi. All the five are staring in different directions. all the five are distraught. Mata Kunti says she wants to take back her word. She asks Yudhistir to marry Draupadi immediately. Bheem says that Yudhistir has the duty to marry the princess.

Mata Kunti and Yudhistir look at him. Yudhistir continues. He says that the person who is in position to give orders should not spill words. Mata Kunti comes to him. She says that now I am taking the words. He says that the words slipped cannot be taken back. This is a biggest dharmasangat for his the brothers. While Bheem says Yudhistir should marry the princess, the other three should not and wont come even in front of the princess. This is for avoiding embarrassment for the princess.

Mata Kunti starts to cry what should we do now... The three tells that the three will take sanyas. That way everything will be resolved. Arjun is shocked. Mata Kunti starts to cry.

At the river side Draupadi and Ishwari are waiting. Arjun and Yudhistir comes to her. She asks if Mata Kunti has spoken to them.Yudhistir doesn't speak so, Arjun asks for forgiveness from all of them side and tells them all what the rest brothers have decided, Ishwari was shocked by hearing all of it.

Arjun:- this is only the solution

Ishwari looks at them she doesn't say anything.

Arjun says that there is no other way other than to perform a balidhan.

Draupadi:- Rajkumar yudhistir, are you happy to see your brothers do all this?

Ishwari:- Rajkumari please be calm, bhrata I suggest you that take some time and think on it carefully take decision calmly not in hurry, think about it as it related to you all

Arjun:- jyesth she is right

Yudhistir thinks then says, that better you go back to your father, lets cancel this. She asks who will marry her again. She asks if he has forgotten what happened to Amba and if this was a regular practice for the princes of Kuru clan.

Ishwari:- Rajkumari don't say anything to him for these four younger brothers bhrata yudhistir plays the role of father and so it is difficult for him, as for him his three younger brothers are taking the decision to take sanyas

she looks at Arjun to see if her words are right and then continues

Ishwari:- bhrata clam down, you both are right at your point, but please......

she didn't said any words further and leaves from their with Arjun

Yudhistir apologizes to her and says he has no other way as his other brothers have decided to take sanyas for his sake and turns away from her and walks towards his brothers.

THE CHANGEDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora