Chapter 10

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The Maximals, Flame Pirates, and Glacier Pirates arrive to see that Queen Blizzanna has lost control of her powers.

Fluffles & Sled: "INCOMING!!!!!!"

Cheetor: "What happened to Blizzanna?"

Fluffles: "She knows."

Sled: "She found out the truth. She found out that 2 of the Glacier Pirates are her parents."

Nyx: "Dude, seriously?"

Kid Devil: "That's a shock!"

Rhinox: "We have to stop her!"

Sir Fangar: "You're too late, Maximals! Even if you've stopped the Blizzard, you'll end up frozen solid in no time!"

Sunbeam: "We'll take care of this!"

Sunflare: "We got this!"

Meanwhile, Queen Blizzanna can't control her power and is overcome by   sadness and anger.

QB: "Why can't I control my power?! Why did the Ice King leave me?!"

Ice King: "I'll go."

Rattrap: "What, but you'll be frozen if you try to stop her!"

Ice King: "She's my daughter! I never realized how much she's grown until now. During my time sailing the Universe, I've never been a good father to Blizzanna. It's time I've started being one!"

Glacier Pirates: "Captain."

Glacianna: "You're not saving her without me, I'll go too.

Ice King: "Glacianna?"

Glacianna: "She's my daughter too. And from now on, this is a family matter."

Ice King: "Thanks."

Realizing what they need to do to save Blizzanna, the Glacier Pirates must get the Flame Pirates and the Maximals to hold off the Ice Hunters long enough to stop her.

Sibress: "None of you are going anywhere!"

Sibress fights Tigatron and Airazor as they fuse into Tigerhawk to stop her. Rhinox holds his own while fighting the Ice Bear Berserkers and the Mammoth Tribe. Then, Nyx, Nightscream, and Sonar take on the Vulture Tribe.

Then, the Glacier and Flame Pirates deal with the Saber-Tooth Tiger Tribe while Optimus deals with Sir Fangar.

Optimus: "You do realize that freezing Animatron could also freeze you too?"

Sir Fangar: "Why should you care? The cold never bothered us anyway."

Then, Ice King and Glacianna try to get through to Queen Blizzanna with the help of Fluffles and Sled.

Ice King: "Blizzanna! I'm sorry! I've been a terrible father to you! I wanna make it up to you!"

Glacianna: "Me too! I'm sorry for dropping this whole "Snow Queen" thing on top of you! Can you ever forgive me for not being there when you became the next Snow Queen?"

Fluffles: "Your Majesty!"

Sled: "Please forgive them!"

QB: "Mom? Dad? What have I done?!"

Queen Blizzanna sees Ice King, Glacianna, Fluffles, and Sled comforting her as she calms down, bringing the blizzard to an end.

QB: "Mom. Dad. Fluffles. Sled. Thank you!"

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