Chapter 5

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???: "Rise and Shinesies!"

???: "Thank heavens that you're not frozen!"

The Maximals wake up and see that they're saved by the Penguin and Polar Bear duo, who reveal themselves to be Fluffles the Polar Bear and Sled the Penguin.

Cheetor: "Who are you guys?"

Fluffles: "I'm Fluffles, the Polar Bear Maximal."

Sled: "I'm the Penguin, Sled."

Fluffles & Sled: "And, we're in service of the Snow Queen!"

Maximals: "The Snow Queen?!"

Fluffles and Sled: "Presenting Queen Blizzanna of the Northern Kingdom, here to grace us with her presence!"

Nyx: "Queen who?"

Appearing before the Maximals is the new Snow Queen of the Northern Kingdom, Queen Blizzanna.

Appearing before the Maximals is the new Snow Queen of the Northern Kingdom, Queen Blizzanna

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Queen Blizzanna: "Answer me this, knaves. Which one of you... had the audacity... to trespass into my castle without permission?"

Rattrap: "Wait, she's the Snow Queen?"

Silverwing: "She's definitely a Snow Queen."

[cue Rattrap and Silverwing frozen.]

QB: "Any more jokes?"

Maximals: "No, Ma'am!"

Optimus Primal asks the Snow Queen, Blizzanna, about the Ice Hunters. But, she's already heard of them.

QB: "I've heard about these Ice Hunters. Any idea what they look like?"

Optimus: "Well, they're made up of 3 tribes, Saber-Tooth, Vulture, and Mammoth."

Cheetor: "The one we faced was Sir Fangar.

Sonar: "The others were Maula and Vary."

QB: "Really? Are there more tribes like that one?"

Rhinox: "We're not sure."

QB: "Did you really think I would ask you for help because you couldn't fight them?"

Sled: "Sire, we implore you."

Fluffles: "These Maximals wish for your help."

QB: "Fine. I'll help you Maximals on one condition."

Rhinox: "And what's that?"

QB: "You must take me to Animatron's Kingdoms!"

Maximals: "WHAAAAT?!"

Now, Queen Blizzanna is accompanied by the Maximals to travel to Animatron's Kingdoms.

Transformers: Beast Adventures - The Frozen KingdomΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα