And they both climbs onto their respective chariots and they ride off with Arjun, aadhik and krishna also leave.

On the battlefield
A messenger comes and tells the Kaurava army that Arjun and Krishna have gone after Susharma. Shakuni is pleased that their plan is working.
He tells Dronacharya to begin the chakravyuh formation. Dronacharya shoots an arrow into the sky that clouds the Pandava army's vision.
When they manage to see again they notice the chakravyuh.

Bheem:- this is why they got Arjun away from the battlefield today, this chakravyuh will destroy the remains of their army

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Bheem:- this is why they got Arjun away from the battlefield today, this chakravyuh will destroy the remains of their army.

Aarav:-Tatshree I can break it, give me the orders to do so
bheem:- No putr he its not fair to send you.
abhimanyu:- tatshree I also know how to enter the chakravyu
shadev:- but you don't know the exit so stay here putr
Aarav:- kakashree I know to enter and exist also, let me
But they do not let them both.
maharaj drupad:- don't worry i shall try and destroy the chakravyu.

In pandavs camp

Uttara:- mata I am feeling that arya's life is in danger
Ishwari:- don't worry putri nothing will happen
Dasi:- Rajkumari, guru dronachraya has formed chakravyu and both the rajkumer are going to enter it, soliders were saying their life is in danger
Ishwari and draupadi are shocked and uttara goes unconscious.
after sometime
Vaidya says the reason behind uttaras unconsciousness is that she is pregnant , draupadi informs about this to subhadra both are happy to hear about it
subhadra:- abhimanyu will be very happy to hear this when he returns back
Ishwari:- Yes bhadre, you look after them both Ira will help you, let me ask someone to bring updates from war field.
Subhadra:- As you say jiji
Ishwari:- bhadre, ask Charu, Uttara and Ira to be together, don't let anyone to be alone.

In battel field
Dushsan informs guru dronacharya that Maharaj drupad is succeeding to destroy the chakravyu, duryodhan says this means we will lose the chance of killing Aarav and abhimanyu
mamashri says don't worry they both will be surely killed today.

In the camp

Draupadi prays lord mahadev to care of abhimanyu, I'm not praying for whole life but atleast one day so that he can hear about uttara, while Ishwari is waiting for news, das comes and informs about Maharaj drupad destroying chakravyu , draupadi smiles and asks das to call abhimanyu and thanks lord mahadev. Ishwari looks sadly at her.

In battel field
Maharaj Drupad proceeds destroying chakravyu and sindhuraj stops him, Maharaj drupad says you can't stop me, sindhuraj says i cant' but my blessings of lord mahadev will stop me and no one else other than arjun can stop me so beware, sinduraj attacks on maharaj dhrupad.
shakuni:- now both of them should come in.
Aarav:- I can stop the chakraview till sunset. Please give me chance to do this.

Nakul:- bhrata bheem they both are right they can help us destroy chakravyu.
bheem request yudishtir to give them a chance
yudhishtir:- You both go ahead and we shall be behind you protecting you both.

Duryodhan:- so both the Rajkumar are entering lets welcome them and those pandavas will beg to save their life.

In camp
Draupadi waits for abhimanyu das comes and informs that Aarav and abhimanyu are entering the chakravyu and so he couldn't come. Ishwari stumbles with shock hearing it. Draupadi rushes to her

Draupadi:- Ishwari Aarav knows entering and exiting the charkavyuhIshwari:- but I am not sure about Gandharaj's plan, he can do anything, I hope they both arrive soon safely

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Draupadi:- Ishwari Aarav knows entering and exiting the charkavyuh
Ishwari:- but I am not sure about Gandharaj's plan, he can do anything, I hope they both arrive soon safely.
Draupadi:- what do you mean?
Ishwari:- I am also a mother I also fear of losing them jiji, and today my fear is doubled don't know why

In battle field
Aarav and Abhimanyu enter chakravyu destroying the chakravyu
duryodhan:- Aarav is entering go finish him first and then Abhimanyu.

On the other hand jaydrath says that any pandav cannot attack me .my insults revenge i will take by killing them both. Hearing this all pandav attack on jaydrath.

After that Aarav is ahead and abhimanyu tries to enter in chakravyuh all pandavas try to call them both back and shakuni tries to make them mad by calling them in. And duryodhan too tells them to enter.
As Aarav enters the charkavyuh, abhimanyu says that I should go because I don't want my bhrata to be alone inside and keep my father and uncles in shame, so abhimanyu declines to listen yudhister's orders and goes behind Aarav .

jaydarth says that you have sent your nephews in the mouth of death this is my revenge. As Aarav enters the charkavyuh, Dushasan says that in group of elephants a mouse is standing.
Aarav says who will fight first with me, they both are away from each other, Rajkumar Lakshman attacks Aarav and their fight starts

While abhimanyu says the same. Duryodhan says that I can't tell that but I can tell you are the last one to fight. abhimanyu says that only this is the power in maharathis.
And guru dronacharya is told to pick up the weapons, and pandavas tell him not to do that as he was their favorite students son.
Duryodhan says that this boy is your shikar friend karn and you should kill him this is what you have promised me. Till I tell you that you should kill him. Yudhister says that angraj karn he is like your son you think before you kill him. But duryodhan says that all these pandav had insulted so hit him. And karn hits him. And even guru dronacharya also hits him. And he fall down on the battlefield. And abhimanyu says that I am Arjun's son and will not die very easily.

hope you like this part.
Do comment guys.

Ishwari:- bhadre see na how are they both, they are leaving their mata together, how are their wives going to leave without them and their kids what will we I say........what will I say to Arjun, when he comes..........

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