"Hope? Are you joining us?"

"No, I will get on with the testing."

"You need to eat something.."

A concerned voice that belonged to Josie said but Hope dismissed their invitation. She went straight up to Caroline's room.

While performing her daily care and check ups, she sensed the older woman grabbing her wrist and trying to communicate.

"What's wrong? Am I hurting you?"

"No, I need to tell you something Hope. This is not an ordinary illness, it's a spell..
Someone is after the witches, especially the powerful ones. We are being drained off our powers."

"A damn strong one if you ask me..
And wait, if someone is after the witches that means the twins..."

"The twins are in danger."


"Is Lizzie still back at school?"

"Yeah, only Josie came with me.
But why are witches being hunted down?
Who would want to hurt us?"

"I don't know who's behind this, and why our family has become a target.
But you have to promise me that you'll look after the twins and yourself."

"I'm always looking out for them.
They're like my blood."

"You are like my blood, Hope."

Caroline squeezes the girl's hand in hers.

"You look so much like your father.
Your hair, eyes.
Your determination."

Hope smiled politely, she didn't want to reminisce about her father but she let Caroline appreciate the moment, she didn't know if it was one of the last ones.

"Everything alright, mom?"

The brunette entered the room to find Hope Mikaelson kneeling next to her mother's bed, holding her hand.

"Everything is fine,
Your mom was just telling me how much I resemble my father."

"Well, as far as I know you're both stubborn. You haven't had anything to eat and barely got any sleep yet you're working your ass off."

Both women chuckled with the brunette's concern, it was almost too much.

"Did you not sleep well?"

Caroline questioned, and both girls exchanged persistent looks.

"It was fine, she's just exaggerating."

"People don't generally scream in the middle of the night for fun.."

"Did you have a nightmare?"

"I have those frequently, I'm used to it."

"Did you two sleep toget...-"

"Okayy, I think I'm gonna need some privacy with mom now to say my goodbyes if you don't mind, Hope."

"Sure, I'll leave you two."

The auburn rushed out of the room after getting everything she needed, and Josie laid by her mother's side feeling slightly embarrassed.

"She's made progress, you know."

"Being back here must be hard for her, all the memories, and my illness.."

"She's doing it all for me."

"She's definitely got a soft spot for you.
She always did."

"Is there something that I can do for you?
Or has Hope exceeded all expectations?"

Caroline laughed wholeheartedly with the sudden change of subject and her daughter's nagging. She always loved that about Josie and Hope, they were like black and white. Batman and Robin. Always competing yet looking out for each other.

"No, I don't need much sweetheart. Just for you to get home safe.."

"We will, but there's something I have to ask you."

"What is it?"

"What do I tell Lizzie? Please don't make me keep this a secret from her."

"Can you keep this between us, just a little longer? Until we figure out what's causing this..."

"But mom..."

"Josie we have to go."

Alaric called his daughter from downstairs, already loading the truck. Josie's lips formed a natural pout, still holding onto her mother like her life depended on it.

"Promise me, Josette."

"This is so difficult, you know how she will get if she finds out and it's better if I'm the one to tell her. It will hurt less."

"Alright, but please be careful. Don't end up like me."

Finally, everyone gathered back in the truck and Josie was unusually quiet throughout the whole ride back. What did her mother mean "don't end up like me"? How could she break the news to her sister without her freaking out and going on a rampage? Josie jumped out of her thoughts when she heard a familiar voice calling out to her from the front seat.

"Are you okay?"

There was no possible answer to that, Josie thought. Especially not after what they were about to find out that happened in the school right after they left.

// Merry Christmas everyone <3 //

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