- You liked to have collection of Dolls? Is that a hobby?

- Yes. You can say it's a hobby.

It's not only my hobby. It was my addiction. It was my desire, my appetence.

Since i was six, i found myself having a strong connection with Dolls. Usually boys around my age used to play with cars, airplanes, used to build war zone and used to solve puzzles.

But here's the point. I was never usual. I was different of all. I still am different of all.

So, once i found my interest on Dolls, i never stopped collecting them. I built Doll houses instead of building war zones.

Now, people may think what's so special about Dolls? What did i feel different kind of attraction towards Dolls?

Well, the answer is, i don't know. I don't know why i found pretty Dolls with different hair colors, colorful ribbons and sharp features, interesting. I don't know why i felt like every other toy would fade away from my wanting list but Dolls would never. I don't know why i felt like, Dolls will listen to me when nobody else would.

I just knew i needed Dolls. I just knew i liked them and my Dolls liked me back always. My Dolls always had the smile on their face for me. And in return i gave them beautiful dresses and beautiful houses to live.

- Do you still collect Dolls?

My own personal human Doll asks me as i nod towards her while saying,

- No i stopped.

" I stopped since the day i found you Doll. Because i realized one thing after finding you which I always used to think you know?

I used to think why i never become satisfy even after buying thousands of Dolls. No offense, i loved all of them. But i still used to feel that there's something missing. I always felt like i needed something on my Dolls but i couldn't understand what exactly.

Then as i grew up, became mature time to time, then at some point i realized that i was finding for a special Doll and that's why i was never satisfied.

But i wasn't sure what kind of special Doll i needed. I didn't know exactly what i wanted.

And then i saw you. A beautiful, glowing,
splendacious living Doll.

That's when i realized what i was looking for, the special ingredients on my Dolls.

Life. Soul.

After finding you, i realized that i was looking for a Doll which would give me warmth when i would be turning cold due to loneliness. A Doll who would smile for me, as well as cry for me too. A Doll who will kiss me back if i kiss her. A Doll who will make me feel alive with her vitality.

You are my that special Doll, Y/N. You are the only one i was searching throughout my whole life. "

I think in my mind as i rest my chin at her shoulder by leaning down. Then i place a soft kiss on her shoulder as i start speaking again,

- I stopped after finding one particular, one very special Doll. I think she will be the very last one to my collection. No actually, she will be the last one for sure. She is my favorite Doll and i intend to keep her safe in my collection. One special Doll of mine.

Doll Master ( Dr.Jeon ) || JK ff 21+Where stories live. Discover now