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"That's so crazy! What did you do?" I asked one of my classmates who told me that her lover forgot her birthday over the weekend. "Well I don't know what exactly to do, but my best friend here threw me the biggest party I could ever imagine and we took so many pictures." "So many," her best friend said and I smiled. "As you should. How did he react?" "Oh he was so embarrassed. He was apologizing to me so much, but I didn't say anything. He is currently trying to find a way to get me to forgive him."

"I don't know girl... Forgetting your lovers birthday is a big deal. It's not like he has any issues with his memory, right?" "Oh no. He's just like this, and I have had it with him." "As you should! He should seriously realize that there's more than him in a relationship." "Right! Thank you getting it" "Of course. I can't imagine a relationship where my lover forgets a special day like my birth," I tell her and closed my locker. "Thank you! Anyways, we'll see you around!" I smiled and waved at my two newly made friends. "Bye!" I waved.

I turned and saw Niall walking up to me. "Hey Niall!" I chirped and he was a bit taken aback from my sudden chirpiness. It however soon turned into happiness. "Someone is in a good mood?" "I have no reason not to be?" "Well the last time that I saw you, you were screaming on the phone." "Thank you for that by the way." "Your welcome?" "Yeah! What you suggested was actually really helpful. I recovered over the weekend and I can now tell you that I'm okay and I feel really good," I tell him as we were walking to our first class together.

"That's good to hear Harry!" He chirped and I nodded my head. The bell rang for the last time and class soon started. It was partner work, and I of course chose Niall as my partner. We talked and there were times where the talk would change to something random, but we did get our work done by the end of class.

When the bell rang, Niall followed me out of the room and Shawn was there to walk Niall to his next class. We said our goodbyes and I smiled before I turned and walked to my next class.


"Food time!" Louis chirped as he took his seat right next to me. I chuckled and picked our lunches out from my bag. He thanked me and started to dig in. He took his first bite and I smiled at the reaction that I received. "Once again... So freaking good!" He exclaimed and I was really thankful for that.

"The change of emotions is heavily noticable?" Shawn questioned and I looked at him

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"The change of emotions is heavily noticable?" Shawn questioned and I looked at him. "I feel good, so I like to express that." "Really? Neither of you really showed that much emotion?" "Over something rather pointless. An ex should never have such an effect on me. Especially with the reason as to why he became my ex," Louis said and I nodded.

"I mean... He slept with someone else because of sex? Like I made him meals, changed my style, stayed up for as long as he wanted to make him feel better. There was so much shit that I did for him to make him happy. Yet, he wanted to sleep with someone else because he wanted to top? Like? What the fuck?" I questioned and I heard Louis gasp. I looked at him and he was just shocked. "Are you serious?"

Fixing Each Other (Book 1) (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now