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I walked into the kitchen to see Trey making breakfast. It was odd to see but I smiled nonetheless.

"Hey." He greeted and I smiled at him. "Hey."

"Hey, what are you making? Mom's hangover special?" Ryan asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"What'd you mean, pack of smokes and a fresh cocktail." Trey replied and I grinned.

"Nope just something I picked up in prison."

Seth walked in and glanced at Trey.

"Ah yeah the old scallion and shiv omelet. I've seen Lock Up. Stallone's finest work since Over the Top."

"Stallone, huh? No, I'm more of a Van Damme fan." Trey told him.

"What are you kidding me, Segal man." Ryan stated.

"You're all kidding. It's Schwarzenegger." I told the three of them.

"Yeah a divided house cannot eat. Now we all gotta get together behind a single action hero." Seth stated, walking over to me.

"Steve McQueen." Sandy stated, walking in, wearing his surfing clothes still.

"Steve ma who?" Seth asked and Sandy looked at him in shock.

"Oh my own son doesn't know Steve McQueen."

"You know a lot of people like Great Escape, but I gotta go with Bullitt." Trey told Sandy, who smiled at him.

"He cooks breakfast and a Steve McQueen fan, I knew I liked you."

"How was surfing?" Ryan asked Sandy.

"Unbelievable." Sandy replied, making a huge wave motion with his hands.

"You surf?" Trey asked him.

"He surfs, he sings. He technically fights crime maybe Sandy Cohen could be our action hero." Seth said and I grinned.

"Just say the word son."

"You think you could give me a surfing lesson sometime?" Trey asked Sandy, who opened his mouth to reply when Kirsten walked in.

"Ooh better you than me, he's been trying to get me out there for years."

"I have tried and I have failed." Sandy stated.

The phone in Kirsten's hand rang and she looked down at it.

"Julie Cooper. This can't be good." She said before walking off.

"Julie is Marissa's mom." I told Trey.

"Ooh so, Ry's mother in law." Trey replied.

I laughed at the expression on Sandy's face.

"What Ryan and Marissa?"

"It's on." Seth confirmed and I laughed. Ryan just stared at us all, looking clueless but I knew that he and Marissa were back together. They had to be for him to be so happy.

"I am always the last to know." Sandy stated.

"There's nothing to know." Ryan told him.

"Oh really, cause that's not what it looked like the other night, you coming to Marissa's rescue and all." Trey stated.

"Well he's very chivalrous, not unlike a young Steve McQueen." Sandy stated.

"Yeah some people say chivalry's dead. I don't believe it." Seth joked, shaking his head.

"Guys there's nothing going on with me and Marissa. Nothing." Ryan said, looking from Sandy and Seth to Trey and I.


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