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Before I knew it, it was almost New Year's. It was crazy for me to think about the fact that Ryan and I had been with the Cohens since July.

I headed downstairs for breakfast and stopped as I saw Ryan was lying on the couch.

"Um, Ry, what are you doing on the couch?" I asked him, just as I heard footsteps behind me. I looked back to see Seth walking up.

"Hey, what's up man, what happened, did the lady kick you to the curb?"

Ryan opened his eyes and looked at the two of us.

"Poolhouse was occupied. Your aunt." Ryan explained.

"Hailey's here?" Seth asked in surprise.

"Hailey is your mom's little sister, right?" I asked Seth, who nodded.

"Yeah, she-"

"Awesome." Seth stated then, walking out of the room. Ryan and I glanced at each other and I shrugged before following after Seth.

I walked into the kitchen to see Sandy and Kirsten doing a word puzzle. Kirsten was in Sandy's lap and Seth groaned.

"Whoa, separate seats, you guys come on, no sex in the champagne room!"

"Good morning to you too." Kirsten greeted.

"Morning, where's Hailey?" Seth asked and Kirsten looked at him.

"Who knows? Thailand.. Morocco."

"I think she's planting trees in Tacoma." Sandy added.

"Yeah, or building churches in Costa Rica."

"She's in the pool house." I stated and Sandy and Kirsten looked at me.

"What're talking about?" Kirsten asked. .

"Did you guys really not notice Ryan sleeping on the couch?" Seth asked, just as Ryan walked in yawning.

"Your sisters here."

Kirsten stood up then.

"Wait-you saw her, or did you talk to her? Did she say why she was here?"

"I have two guesses- either she's run out of money or she's run outta money." Sandy joked.

"Three letter word for hilarious, Dad." Seth told him.

"Hailey's here." Kirsten stated with a laugh.

I looked up as a pretty woman that looked to be in her twenties walked up to the door, wearing, well, not much.

"Hey guys, guess whose back?"

"Hailey, hi." Sandy stuttered, while Kirsten gave him a look.

"Aunt Hailey we'll hug later when you're dressed." Seth said laughing.

"Seth, robe her." Kirsten said and Seth pulled off his robe and handed it to Hailey.

"Happy New Year everyone."

"Happy New Year." I told her and she glanced at me.

"You must be Ally, Ryan's twin right?"

"Yeah, that's me."

"And my girlfriend." Seth bragged and I rolled my eyes at him with a smile. Hailey looked surprised which made it even more amusing.

"We would have come and picked you up." Kirsten stated, hugging her sister. "At the airport or the train station."

"Or the border." Sandy joked.

"Yeah, well it was late and my cell phone shut off."

"When did you run outta money?" Sandy asked and Hailey laughed.

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