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I slid into the booth at the diner next to Seth and across from Ryan. Ben was also there and they seemed to be having a comic book club meeting.

"Hey." I greeted.

"Hey, Ally."


"Hi." Seth told me and I smiled at him.

"So, how's the club?" I asked.

"Great. We're thinking about creating a comic about Orange County." Ben told me.

I smiled slightly. "As long as I'm in it."

"Of course you're in it." Seth told me.

"Yeah, who else would Seth's character pine ove- ow!"

Ben was cut off as I assumed Seth kicked him under the table. I looked up as Summer came in and slid into the booth beside Ben.

"Well if it isn't the three amigos and my amiga." Summer said, kissing Ben, then smiling at all of us.

"Hola." Ben greeted.

"I'm so hungry. The step monster keeps eating my zone breakfast."

"Hey." Lindsay greeted as she walked in.


"Hey, you didn't order yet, did you?" Lindsay asked.

Seth stood up quickly so that Lindsay could sit down.

"Wait, we could probably make some room, Seth." Ryan told him.

"No that's okay, I'm gonna go." Seth said, and I looked at him in worry as he walked off.

"I'm gonna-" I stood up and went after him. I saw him walking down the pier.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked as I reached him.

"Don't you ever get upset hanging out with them all? They're all together and we're-"

"Seth, you know how I feel about you, I just don't think we should rush back into-"

"I love you, Ally. That's not going to change in a week or a month or even a year."

"I know. And I love you too, but-"

"There's always a but, Ally." Seth said then walked off. I sighed and stood, watching him.

I walked through the hallway with Summer. Marissa didn't show up to school today. I wondered if she was just taking a day off for her mental health. Hopefully it was beneficial.

"So things are good with you and Cohen?"

"How'd you know?" I asked her.

"You're not smiling like you used to. What's going on?"

"He wants us to get back together and I do too, but I'm scared. I don't want to rush into things and then we break up again. I can't take that heartbreak another time."

"But you two love each so much. You're Ally and Seth, practically made for each other." Summer told me.

"I know that, I'm just-"



The two of us walked into the student lounge where I saw Ben, Ryan and Seth were sitting in the couch, discussing something.

"Hey." Summer greeted, and I smiled at Ryan and Ben, and then Seth.

He looked away quickly and I sighed quietly.

"What are you three working on?" Summer asked them.

"The comic about Orange County. It's autobiographal about Seth." Ben told her.

"Cool. Are Ally and I in it?" Summer asked him.

"Well.." Ben started and I glanced over at Seth. I hated that he was upset at me. I hated how this made me feel. But I didn't want to ignore the dread I felt about what could happen to us. We could break up again and this time it might ruin our friendship.

"Um, I have to head to class. I'll see you all later." I told them, glancing back at Seth once more before walking off.


Later that night, I headed downstairs and stopped as I saw Seth on the couch.

"Hey." I greeted quietly.

"Hi." Seth said, not looking up as he sketched something.

Ryan walked in then, dressed nicely.

"Heyy, Brian Gatwood, a.ka. Kid Chino, a strong but silent youth from the wrong side of the tracks who, when provoked unleashes his fists of fury."

I smiled slightly at the name change of Ryan and the superhero counterpart.

"Maybe we should change your superhero name to Over Dressed Lad." Seth joked and I smiled.

"Uh, Lindsay asked me to be the buffer tonight between her and Caleb."

"Oh? They're finally meeting up?" I asked him. I was surprised since Caleb had hardly acknowledged Lindsay since Chrismukkah.

"What? I thought we were working tonight and Grandpa hates you." Seth stated.

"I told her that, but she thought I was overreacting."

"Well, hey man, at least you show up on his radar." Seth muttered.

"Well wait till he finds out about your powers." I told Seth.

"What powers? Turns out I don't make a very convincing superhero." Seth said, holding up his drawing of himself.

"You do have powers. Look how good these sketches are." I said, pointing to his sketches.

"They're not half as good as anyone else's."

"You should stop doubting yourself. I think they're great." I told him.

"Ally's right. They're great." Ryan told him.

"Thanks. Hey, don't let Grandpa scare you. Remember you're Brian Gatwood, fists of fury."

I laughed as Ryan held up a fist as he walked out.

"So, do you mind if I look at the sketches?" I asked Seth, going to sit by him.

"Well, they're not done yet."

"It doesn't matter. They're amazing."

"No, wait-"

I had already grabbed the sketchbook and a few pages fell out. It was a drawing of me in a superhero outfit with my hair down and flowing. I smiled at the drawing.

"Is this me?"

"Yeah. I can fix it so it isn't so.."

"Booby? No, it's fine. I love it, Seth, thank you. Thank you for including me in the comic book."

"Of course you're in it. Who else would my counterpart pine over?"

I smiled and looked over at him.

"Do you mind if I help you with the drawings? I always used to draw pictures for Ryan when we were little."

"Yeah, here you go." Seth said, handing me one of the sketchbooks and a pencil. I took them and smiled at him.


The two of us worked in comfortable silence after that, the romantic drama between us forgotten for the moment. It was times like this I was reminded why Seth and I worked so well together. We could just sit quietly together and be perfectly happy.

Safe With You || Seth Cohen Where stories live. Discover now