"Echoes of Malevolence"

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I stare at my reflection, no longer recognizing the deadened eyes staring back. The light that once filled them snuffed out by endless betrayals. My grip tightens on the bloodied knife, but I feel no remorse for the bodies at my feet. They deserved this.

Anna begged and sobbed, but I silenced her lying tongue with a slash across that pretty neck. She promised she loved me, vowed she was different. Until I caught her writhing in ecstasy under him - my most hated enemy. The image is seared into my mind, fueling the dark fury within.

My so-called friends turned on me, siding with her in the breakup. They mocked my spiraling depression, kicked me while I was down. Some people just want to watch you bleed. But now their blood stains the floor, treachery repaid in kind.

Rage and agony war within me. I've become a void, filled only with malevolence. I trust no one, feel nothing except the desire to inflict suffering onto those who inflicted it on me. Closing my eyes, I relive every betrayal and heartbreak. I let it twist me further into the monster I'm rapidly becoming.

The authorities will be coming soon. I know my vicious spree has sealed my fate. But I don't care - I embrace it. Let them lock me away and study my shattered mind. They'll never comprehend the method behind my madness or what created this darkness inside me.

My humanity is lost, any goodness or conscience I had turned necrotic within my poisoned heart. I am the personification of vengeance, a vessel filled with hatred. An abomination. For they molded me into the monster I've become.

Footsteps approach. I smile coldly at my bloody reflection. Let them come. I have nothing left except this thirst for violence, this hunger to destroy. They took everything from me, so I'll take everything from them.
They say curiosity kills the peace but I'd say satisfaction brings it back.
My reign of terror is just beginning.

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