Yuletide Extra: All I want for Kwismas

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Ever since the babies had joined the party, it has only gotten more lively from there. Band of bards were playing Yuletide music while everyone danced and messed around, enjoying the festivities.

Some of the baby kobolds had even joined the city kids in a friendly snowball fight, where the kobolds proceeded to dominate the proverbial battlefield created by the snowball fight.

Everyone was having a good time...all except for one. Hekka and Leah were dancing childishly as they grabbed each other's hands to dance to the music being played.

However, Leah stopped dancing when she noticed someone sitting in the corner, nearly out of sight. It was another baby kobold, a female with green scales just like Leah's but with an inner gold pattern starting from her lower jaw.

She was sitting by herself...and she was holding a piece of paper. "Heheheeaa-! Hm? Leah?" By now, Hekka had noticed Leah had stopped dancing and was looking elsewhere. Then he saw the lone baby kobold as well, she looked...sad.

Seeing this and with silent agreement, the two went over to the lone baby, sitting quietly by herself. "Hey...you okeh...?" Leah asked as she sat down to be eye level with her fellow kin.

"Mm! Mmmm...ya..." The kobold said with indifference.

"Name?" Leah asked.

"Mmmm...Mawia..." The baby answered.

"Mawia...Hi Mawia. Am Leah." Leah responded, her hand outstretched in greeting. "I know who you ah...you famous" Mawia said shaking her hand.

"Famous?..." Leah asked.

"Yah. You and Hekka famous...am not." Mawia said sadly, referring to herself.

Hekka and Leah looked at each other in silent understanding, they needed to know more. "Wha da?" Hekka asked, noticing the piece of paper in Mawia's hand.

"It's...it music..." Mawia said.

"Music?" Leah asked

"Moozik?" Hekka added.

"Ya...music." Mawia passed the sheet to Hekka and Leah both read the lyrics to Mawia's song. There was a bit of bad grammar but considering they were babies themselves, they could read it just fine.

"Waaaaaaa...this gooooood..." Hekka said as he leaned over Leah's shoulder to read the sheet. "Mawia...this good, why not sing?" Leah asked, impressed by her song.

"Am...am scared..." Mawia said sheepishly. Now that she mentioned it, Leah could see that Mawia was nervous, from her shaking legs to her fidgeting hands. She was radiating her nervousness like a glowing Yuletide tree.

"Aaaaaaw...Mawiaaa...you can be brave...just need help." Leah looked around as she tried to see who could help Mawia sing on stage. Then her mind lit up like a light bulb. "Aha! Kewaaa! Mel!"

"Mmm?/Ya?" Kewa and Mel came over at the call of their names.

"Can help play song?" Leah showed them the lyrics to Mawia's song.

"Mmm...can." Kewa said for the both of them as Mel nodded enthusiastically before turning around to call someone else. "Odiiiiii!"

Another baby kobold, a male named Odi joined them. He had purple scales with a yellow underbelly. "Yah Mel?"

"Song!" Mel handed Odi the lyrics as he began to read it as well. "Oooooooo..."

Mawia grabbed Leah's shoulder as her nervousness got to her ."Mmm...Leah...I don't know about this..." She said.

Leah simply smiled as she comforted her fellow kobold. "Will work okeh? Be brave."

While Leah was comforting Mawia, Hekka had taken the lyrics sheet to find someone who could help sing with Mawia and overcome her nervousness, luckily he found just the dragonborn. "Bewwaaaa!"

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