Yuletide Special Pt. 2: Thieves? Not in This Household

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Inside the Drinking Horn...

The kobold babies laid soundly in their sleeping piles while Milko and Choco watched over them and Skaevis became a warm bed for the cold babies.

A little burp stood out in the darkness as some of the babies giggled. Dinner was long done with the help of Milko, conjuring a 'Hero's Feast' spell to sate everyone's hunger.

"Well...this was a good day..." Choco commented as he nursed his full little tummy.

"Mmmaaaaaaaa..." One of the babies yawned while laying on another's tummy.

"Yeah...I'll still have to deal with those holes..." Milko face-pawed as she remembered the carnage outside.

"Deal with them later...*yawn-squeeeak* am...sleepyyyy..." Choco mummered.

Milko took one last look around the kobold nursery, everyone was nearly asleep. All that was left was to wait for Darko to come and make sure the coast was clear. What caught her eye however was Leah suddenly waking up with a start as her ears flicked, sensing danger.

"Squeak squeak!" Speak of the devil. Darko's hushed squeaks caught Milko's ears as her bigger packmate came back, she could already sense something wasn't right. "Darko? You look worried...what's wrong?"

"Thieves...six of em. They're trying to get in as we speak, and one of them is a spellcaster creating an anti-magic field around the house." Her black rat sister hurriedly reported.

"So that's what it was..." Milko realised her connection to both her patron god and her magic felt like they were severed the moment Darko came back. "No point using magic until we deal with the spellcaster outside."

By now, the two sisters' chatter had awoken a few of the more alert babies. Many of them stumbled themselves over as they began to wake up. "Well what do we do? Skaevis can't take em all on."

Skaevis grumbled as he heard Darko's comment. Milko then looked back at the kobolds that had gathered around them. Already catching on to the seriousness of their situation.


"No...but they can." Milko suddenly had an idea. A very crazy one...


The kobolds rounded up as many of their kin as they could. Out of the six hundred and sixty six babies, at least sixty or more of them were awake and ready.

Leah stood in front of them, wearing her big blanket imitating a cape, foam sword in hand. Behind her was a crudely put together map of the Drinking Horn drawn in crayons.


"Okeh! Baddies! Wan back! Foh in! Wan magik out!" Leah pointed, showing one was heading for the backyard, the spellcaster outside and four of them entering from the front.

"What we doooo?" One of the kobolds asked.

"Twaps! Weapaaans! Magik no!" Leah said, pointing towards the spellcaster outside. If they wanted to use magic again, they had to deal with the spellcaster first.

"Meep!" Speaking of weapons, a small team of babies came back from the kitchen, carrying a crate of a hodgepodge of items. Inside were various sets of kitchen knives, some rope, hammers, a smaller box of nails, some bowstring, wood pieces of different sizes, packets of glitter and for some reason a used plunger.

The kobolds armed themselves with whatever they could. Real weapons were too big for them so they had to make do. "Okeh! Squads!"

The kobolds separated themselves into six groups with ten kobolds in each group.

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