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-Beth's POV-
After going back inside, NATO filled me in on the plan.. but, before we went back into the meeting room.. I had one question for him.. what was that question? That question was:

"Do you think that you can make me a list of everyone who has been banished, and then was un-banished later?"

NATO seemed surprised at the question, but he said he could figure it out if I tell him why later.. which was fine with me. I could most certainly tell him why.. it was because I felt there was a traitor.. on our side of the forest, and which group would of been the best first guess? The ones who used to be banished.. it was a perfect plan in my opinion..

But not everything can go our way sometimes..

Anyways, I continued on my day.. working on papers, seriously.. no one basically saw me for most of the evening unless they were dropping papers off.. continuing on, I was non-stop writing all day, nothing seemed out of normal.. so far, anyways, NATO came to drop off the list later on but, I hadn't read it yet.. which could of been a bad move..

"Good afternoon, Philippines, dropping off papers as well?"

Phil: "Yes ma'am! Quite a normal day, yes? With the building this busy?"

"Ah, yes.. it has been quite normal recently to have a chatty and busy, but calm environment.. hasn't it?"

Phil: "Yes, actually I heard a few things from a friend, if you know what I mean.. about the Banished Forests, is that true, my friend?"

I noticed the Philippines's flag swapping the blue and red quickly after, so I didn't answer how he wanted..

"Get out of my office, Martial Law."


There was a lot of talking in the hallway, saying he got caught again..?! They were certainly amused.. but, at the time.. what I didn't notice is that Martial Law swiftly grabbed the list without me noticing.. for a few short moments, anyways.. I went to grab the list but stopped as Martial Law was walking towards the door..

"Martial. Come here for a second, please?"

ML: "W-what?.."

"Come here.. for a second. Now."

ML: "What did I do?"

"Hand it over.."

ML: "What-??.. Could you possibly mean..?"

There was dishonesty written all over his tongue, and no. Not literally.. anyways, China popped in to put papers away as well but just stood at the door..

"That list. You stole.. from me. Give it back.."

ML: "It's just a damn list.. what's so important about a list of countries?"

My tone of voice got annoyed, but very dark.. I am VERY determined to get that list back.. no matter what. "It holds very much of importance to not only help in the banished situation efforts but if you want UN back, so, you'll give me.. the list, if you want to make sure that we can possibly get UN back!.." I snatched it from his hand, they aren't supposed to know too much about it, so luckily.. I only told him the bare minimum.

ML: "Uhm, bad mood today?.."

Chi: "Yeah, sorry to drop in at the wrong time.. I'll be back-"

"Place those papers in ASEAN's office, China."

Chi: "Understood!.." China walked over to ASEAN's office quickly after with the papers and didn't ask questions..

ML: "Everything chill..? Like, are you.. alright?..

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