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~Beth's POV~

"Y-you.. what?"

FBI: "We said, that we found out that you two went into those forests without permission!"

WHO: "No, we were walking along the edge of the forest, actually.."

Everyone but BN shot a death stare at WHO.. it had seemed that they saw no difference in the two ways it was put..

NATO: "I see no difference in that!.."

'Pozzibly, I could figure out a way to get WHO out of trouble..' BN thought to herself, while the others were being a bit loud, for usually a little bit more quiet organizations, might I add..

"Calm down, calm down.. it'z my fault, not WHO's, she went with me because she did not want me to be alone near that forest.."

AU: "..That may be true.. but it still does not justify the actions done!.."

NASA: "..Exactly, but.. I want you to tell us what happened.. without whatever accent that just was.."

Flash ------------- Back

We were walking along the forest, WHO and I.. nothing special about it really, except how dark it seemed to like inside.. similar to the dark black of the void.. it was fascinating, till, we saw someone leaning on a tree, they were on the banished side, so we treaded carefully near them, sadly, we couldn't see their face..


..???..: "Hello, the young lead of the organizations.."

WHO: "That.. was a weird way to address someone.."

I listened to their voice closely, trying to figure out who it was we were speaking to, I noticed quickly it was a male.. and that WHO heard the voice as well, so it can't be the Forest Voices.. "Who even are you?.."

..???..: "Some call me Colonizer, some call B.E, and some call me, UK's brother.. but, my real name is British Empire.."

WHO: "Of course it's you.. B.E.."

"British Empire, the blood-related parent to America.. who had lost control of his colonies and fell out of power.. being banished sometime later by the rest of the world.."

B.E: "Yep! That's me, quite interesting you know so much about me.."

"Are you on their side..?"

WHO: "If you don't know what were talking about, then we're talking about the Banished Remains team."

B.E: "Ah, no.. I have gotten therapy and do not try to cause chaos as much as I used to before.. though, I have heard few of their plans of chaos before, but UN always found me.. so, I stay near the outskirts of the forest."

I was suspicious of the answer but I went along with it and continued to walk along the edge of the forests with WHO, one fall or wrong move could of gotten us affected the same way UN was.. "Alright, thank you.. I suppose.."

Flash ------------- Back

Anyways, as you read that flashback, WHO and I summarized it to the others as we explained it in a.. more reasonable way!..

ASEAN: "So, the British Empire still lives.."

AU: "It seems so.."

NATO: "Ms.- I mean, Mr. UK, probably won't like the news of his brother still being alive.."

"Most likely.. I do hope that some good may come out of this situation, though.."

CIA: "Don't be so optimistic, BN!.. There is no point in being so optimistic..!"

"CIA, you should not be so cold to others nor should you be hopeless of the future.. it will bring out the worst in someone to do so.."

CIA: "Right, sorry, ma'am.."

The others thoughts questioned how she shut CIA down so fast, CIA was always quite the fighter in any argument after all.. but they didn't question it out loud..

"Why so quiet so fast?"

FBI: "Ahm.. right, let's just.. talk tomorrow instead, a lot has happened today.. and we probably all don't want to be doing anything else work related today..

We all agreed and left, as which, I went to my father's old house, did I mention the World Superpowers stayed there? Someone has to watch them.. someone RESPONSIBLE. EU!..

"The house is a bit of a mess.. I'll just clean it before the others get home.. or before I get called about Germany passing out somewhere." I mumbled to myself, not seeing the country in the living room..

China: "Hm? BN!.. Hello! Your back quite early!"

"CHINA?! Jeez! You scared me!.. And, I'm not even early.. I get home close around this time.. why are you home so early though?.. It's.. quite unusual."

China: "..We decided no alcohol or friendship talks for today, were really not feeling social lately.."

"Oh.. that's alright, I'll just be cleaning the house, if you wish to help, then you can!.."

Yeah.. China didn't respond, so I ended the silence talk by walking away and starting at cleaning.. eventually, China did respond to me..

Chi: "BN?"


Chi: "You shouldn't work this hard.. the house really isn't as messy as you see it.. and you have a lot of things you should be doing other than cleaning right now.."

I continued to just clean up the few bits and parts as I ignored her for the most part, but it was obvious to China that I was surprised she even knew..

"Don't bring that up.."

Chi: "What? Why not-"


Chi: "Understood.. by the way, the Russian made us all food, it's in the kitchen if you want it later.."

"Thank you for telling me."

China just nodded and helped me, every now and then the others came down to help, but they also had paperwork. If your wondering why China doesn't have any for today, it's because she was doing her work during the meeting earlier.. which I knew I couldn't stop her if I tried.

And, I tried.. multiple times. In other meetings..

"Well, that was fun!.."

Chi: "Okay, now.. go sleep."

Ame: "Yep. Sleep."

"..Do not treat me like a child.. America."

Ame: "..And you haven't sleep in almost a week.. so go to sleep."

Russia heard us while they were walking down the stairs..

Rus: "There right, you know? Not getting enough sleep could get ya killed, comrade."

I rolled my eyes and walked upstairs.. completely walking past Russia.. and then.. everything went black..?

Team Analysis Activated..
Finding information..
Information loaded!..

A/N: Hello, sorry for the slow loading, let's get into the Team Analysis of team 'Banished Remains' shall we?

~Banished Remains Team~
A team of banished Countries / an Organization.. this team's main leaders being : Third Reich, Japanese Empire, Facist Italy, UN, and USSR.. the roles of these leaders are listed here; UN: Manipulator / Main Plan Maker. F.I: Double Agent. TR: Main Manipulator. USSR: Double Agent. J.E: Combat Trainer.


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