Leaving day..

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(Nothing is a spelling mistake, just a horrible try at German Accents, so read the words how you normally would in English, thank you! ❤️)

I, Bethany Nations, woke up by my mother calling my name.. my father left me as a child, but that wasn't his fault. He iz the UN, after all.. I don't blame him.. I got up out of my bed and put on a casual shirt, it had a phrase about zecrets, it said and I quote, "You must keep secrets to know about secrets, my dear.." (Yes, I made that phrase myself) none the less, the phrase waz right, it was better to keep secrets, especially important ones.. anyways, I grabbed my art book, and also my favorite book to read, which was "Daughter Of The Zea" and put on my black jacket, it held the UN symbol on it, my mother gave it to me when I was fourteen, and to no zurprise, it was extremely big for my age at that time..

"Good morning, Mom!"

"Good morning dearie, I do hope you know it's your last day here, your 18th birthday is your last day and I'll make it the most zpecial day, also your being transferred at around 12:00 P.M. which would translate to around 8:00 A.M. in their world, so please pack your ztuff up after your done eating, then we'll have some fun!"

"Alright, Mom! Thank you for breakfast!"

"Of course, dear."

Bethany and her mom, Tris Nations, ate breakfast at the table, it was quiet but the food was good for them!

~UN's POV~

"I wonder where she is right now.. I mean, she wouldn't be late.. would she? I just need to get to the meeting at the moment.. it'll be fine.."

UN went into the meeting room, and started speaking about events and other such things, before hearing a sound like someone was being teleported into this world..

Ame: "Someone new?"

China: "Interesting.."

Ger: "Zhould we check who it is?"

Can: "What if their dangerous?"

Japan: "A new country, possibly?"

"..Or a new organization.."

They all stared at him in confusion, there weren't any new organizations, and they didn't need any new ones.. all the organizations were completely fine how they were..

"Let me check who it is, I do believe I might know them," UN's response seemed off, like he knew something, but relentless, they let him walk to the door and open it, walking out and closing it behind him, despite the door having a window..

UN turned around to look at who it was before a shock flooded over him, his.. daughter was there, she was 30 minutes early.. "Bethany?!"

B: "Hm?.." She looked at them, her mixed skin fading into a light blue exactly like UN's, before a shock came over her as well.. "D- dad?! Your.. actually here! I thought you were busy!.."

He smiled and shook his head no, it was just during one of the usual meetings.. so, he didn't mind.. "Well.. now, that your here, would you like to meet the countries after you place your bag in my office?"

B: "Yes, of course! I prezume your office is to the left?"

"As zmart as I remember, of course it's on the left.. I will inform the countries about your zpecial arrival, but I'll keep your actual identity secret while telling them, now go on!.." His smile was never as happy.. it seemed, as he saw her walk into his office, as he, himself, walked back into the meeting room and back over towards his table while hiding his accent.. "Well, I'm pretty sure we've covered everything we needed to discuss in this meeting, but, we have a guest.. a very important one."

Ame: "What do you mean, sir?"

China: "Agreed, whose this guest we have..?"

Bela: "He might not be comfortable saying it.. don't pressure him, we all have humanity.. well, most of us, so it's not good to stress one another."

Ger: "Bela is right, we shouldn't ztress him.."

UN was about to speak before a certain Russian interrupted him..

Rus: "Was the person we saw earlier, that went into your office, the special guest..?"

"Yes, that's true.. but let me speak for a moment.. and I'll make this as clear as can be." His tone darkened beforehand, he seemed to have slightly shifted in personality.. "That 'person' is my daughter, and if any of you hurt her.. it won't be pretty, understood?"

They all seemed slightly scared, the tone wasn't seen much by the usually calm and peaceful organization, so they only nodded in response, after so, UN's daughter, Bethany walked in and walked over towards her father, staying next to him..

B: "Good morning."

Everyone: "Good morning, Ms. Nations!"

She seemed surprised by the formal name, and slightly embarrassed by it as well, UN noticed it quickly..

"Don't mind that dear, they are formal to everyone when they first meet them.."

They nodded in response, also noticing her slightly embarrassed look..

B: "A- ah, that.. makes sense, I suppose.."

~Bethany's POV~

I was immediately bombarded with questions, and father just smiled, while I was slightly nervous..

UN: "Slow down, everyone.. she's just as much as like a human as the rest of us.. one at a time, please.."

They all understood, hoping she would warm up to them eventually, she seemed a lot like UN, after all..

Ukrai: "So, what's your most favorite thing to do?"


A few seemed curios by this, she wouldn't have much time to do any drawing in the future, that's for sure.. maybe sooner than later..

Ame: "Okay.. interesting, what about.. your favorite country..?"

"I'm not going to answer that, it would be unfair.. and it would sound kind of biased, which I do not wish to come off as rude to anyone."

China: "Smart answer, but I'd suppose it would make sense!"

Japan: "Do you hope for us to get along with each other?"

"Yes, of cour-"

NK: "That's a stupid question, Japan!"

"Ahm.. yes, I do hope everyone will get along eventually. Despite knowing it probably won't happen any time soon.. but, I certainly disagree with you, North Korea."

NK: "What?! Why! I was just saying that it was an unnecessary and very stupid question for a probably going to be normal teenage girl!"

UN: "Ah.. uhm.."

Everyone went silent as UN tilted his head down slightly and closed his eyes, as most were confused, only the World Superpowers, UN, and Bethany understood why..

UN: "Unfortunately, we.. shouldn't explain that."

"Agreed.. let's not leave this meeting off on a bad note, as it would be the best not to."

UN: "Meeting.. dismissed, never speak of this topic again."

SK: "But-"

UN: "Never. Again. South Korea."

New character unlocked : Bethany Rose Nations. UN's dear daughter, with the ability of enhanced intelligence during any situation, matching wings and skin color as her father

2nd New Character Unlocked: UN, a usually calm, peaceful, and collected organization, with an overprotective style as a father, had went missing when BN was a few months away fron turning 20, with light blue skin, wings, and powers, these powers being, mind reading and telekinesis.


~UN's Daughter~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora