Chapter 3

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***Disclaimer!! This chapter depicts violence and nudity. Reader discretion is advised.***

November 9th, 1970: Sunday, 10 am

The car ride there is dreadful. Helm. They were murdered in Helm. His words were like daggers stabbing me repeatedly in the chest. I tear up thinking, worrying that it is someone I friends? The way they were killed, what does that mean? I wonder who it is...How bad is it?...

My mind races as my heart joins it. Every hill we drive through brings a roller coaster of emotion. Pulling up to the house, it is familiar as if I've seen it before. Its luscious garden, a blue bungalow with stone walls and a large wooden porch. I feel my heart in my stomach and a knot develop in my throat.

"The Dumont's" I say out loud without realizing.

"Yeah, they were found by their neighbor this morning. She went to check up on the family because she hadn't seen them since Friday night." He puffs out a large sigh and continues, "all three of them, dead. We identified all three bodies this morning, Annemarie Dumont, Jaime Dumont, and Jaime's mother Elizabeth Dumont."

"Damnit!" I hiss; I look over to him, "he took their little girl too, didn't he?" He nods at my question, "that bastard!"

Pulling up along the side of the road, we exit the vehicle. As we head toward the house, I hear someone calling for me.

"Detective...Detective Adams!" The soft straining voice of a short old woman wearing a fine white spotted dress approaches. The skirt of her dress hangs low near her knees. She approaches me with her matching white sunhat blocking the light from her eyes. Waving her right hand to grab my attention, I meet her half way as she reaches out her hands for me to hold. Her hands were covered in dark green gloves, trembling as she raises them toward me. I take her hands in mine, with her green purse swinging toward my right thigh.

"Oh, Detective Adams, the most terrible thing happened in there. It is unspeakable...Unbearable!" She shook her head pouting as tears were forming in her old eyes, "I immediately ran away when I found them this morning. I was terrified! Oh, detective dear, what does that symbol mean?"

Symbol? I wonder but before I can ask.

"Oh, never mind! I do not wish to know." Her weary pale blue eyes and her curly gray hair reflect the sun as she shakes her left hand and turns to walk away from me.

I look at Sheriff Dunn as he approaches me from behind, "do not let her leave, I will have to gather as much information from her as possible." I declare as Sheriff Dunn nods in agreement with his lips slightly ajar.

The two of us duck under the police tape that surround the property and head toward the front door. Police vehicles and ambulances surround the premises. A forensics truck can be seen on the left side of the house with a team of men in all black clothing wearing white gloves and masks surround the vehicle.

"Sheriff Dunn and Detective Adams, can you believe this? He's done it again!" Shaking his head, Officer Conley approaches us to give a debriefing of the scene.

"Tell us everything you know, Conley." I demand.

"Not much I can tell ya detective, between the forensics and that squirrely detective in there, it's difficult to get inside."

I look at the officer in confusion, squirrely detective? Who is he talking about? Sheriff Dunn looks in my direction, "oh yeah, there's another thing you should know. There's a guy in there from Molitown, you know where the first murder took place of the Dornington's. A new detective, he is a... weird guy. His name is Chip Starling. Not sure what his deal is? But he's good, really good." Sheriff Dunn says looking toward the house.

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