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I hope you guys enjoy this chapter yet again I'm asking you guys to point out any mistakes please I hate having mistakes and I am sorry if there is bad grammar in this do forgive me again because English is not my first language.

We were 1 hour into the meeting and it was already a drag I wish I was home with my kids and not here it so long and we have to be here for 6 hours UUGGHH. The E.U., U.N, and ASEAN were flirting with one another It was pretty obvious but no one else seemed to notice except me and Japan he was trying to keep his fanboying side showing. Only a few people know about his other side like me and S.K To other people he's a huge overworked nerd but when it gets night he's completely another person he goes to every bar he can go to he becomes a fun as-hell drunk but we have to careful with him he has cat ears and tail but keeps them away. But when he is super drunk he slips up from time to time but we are always there to stop him especially when he is in human form. we love to do a lot of nerdy stuff he likes to read and write manga he invites me to go drinking with him and to go shopping and watch anime he has become one of my best friends over the past years I need to talk to him more. Russia with a few other countries kept looking at me as if I looked weird or something, Russia was looking at me the most I hate being looked at like a clown performing at a circus.

I was trying not to zone out watching the clock tick and tick waiting for a break or something to happen.

"Sir. United States" I heard my name get called I looked at the stand UN was looking at me waiting for my answer.

"Oh huh yes" I quickly fix myself up sitting up straight and checking my notes again for the meeting.

"Do you have any input about the reduction of greenhouse gasses for your country?" he asked looking at me, others were starting to look at me.

"Yes within the next 5 years, we are hoping to reduce them by more than 10% with my country putting new laws and regulations with goals of hitting it in less than the needed time frame" I spoke fixing my papers this felt so awkward when are we going on break.

"Alright thank you" he smiled before speaking and calling out to others I zoned out by then already, I think we have recess in 20 minutes or so I can't wait to get out of the dump my glasses are getting foggy I needed to clean them when I'm out of sight. D.C. is still paying attention he loves these types of stuff due to how much he can learn from them is the main reason and he right but this meeting is nothing important besides learning about what countries are going to do for the world.

maybe I should check the star really quickly just for fun to keep me entertained for a bit as I wait for the last few minutes to be up. I closed one eye "Staring down," I said in a whisper my vision split in two I could see the hallway and the meeting at the same time. A human man was coming down the corridor humans are not allowed to be in the building right now only security, But they stay down and are not allowed to be on this floor. He looks nervous like he was running away from something SHIT DID WE LOCK THE DOOR I watched him in a panic looks like he stood at the entrance of the door. Canada and D.C. looked at me in worry I kept watching hoping he was just lost and security was going to get him fast. I watched him tilled he backed away looking like he was going to break in, fuck .

"EVERYONE GET DOWN AND HIDE NOW PINS ON" I shouted in a panic tone using my power speaker of the house. taking D.C. down behind me and putting him under the table he turned on his pin I'm not about to have so asshole harm my kid. I jumped over the table and pushed my pin jumping to the podium to UN grabbing his hand and pressing his pin turning on his disguise. Some people were shaken a few listened and turned on their pins before the man burst through the doors. the countries duct turning on their pins the man had a gun how the fuck did he find us this meeting was supposed to be confidential.

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