ch 1 morning routine

563 4 7

America P.O.V

I awoke to the beeping of my alarm 5:00 am I stretched my limbs beneath the warm blankets and blinked away the remnants of sleep.

"break time is over now I guess"

With a tried sigh, yawning, and pushing the covers aside, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed gently not trying to wake up my dogs. my feet met the cool wooden floor as I stood up, sending a shiver up my spine I sipped on my sippers. walking over to reach for my robe hanging on the back of the bedroom door and wrapping it around myself, I opened the door letting the cold bathroom air hit me. I flicked on the light, walked to the shower got the shower ready slipped out of my robe and my boxer got into the shower getting the water through my long hair.

"I need to get a haircut soon" 

washing the rest of my body and drying off wiping off the fog from the mirror and my glasses drying my hair and putting it into a loose ponytail .

"I definitely need a haircut" I put on my glasses and walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist with my dog now awake I push them outside for a bit so I can change I walked to the closet and dresser picking out what to wear. Thinking about what should I wear "What should I wear I mean I do have a lot of work for today so baggy camouflage pants and a black long sleeve top it is then" I got them out of the dresser "Its kinda cold today" taking out my sage green hoodie with picking up my sunglasses and phone putting them into my pocket and putting on my socks before walking out of my room into the still empty hallway I walked by the grandfather clock 5:25 "just on time".

Walking down the flight stairs with the dogs right behind me to the bottom floor walk to the kitchen and see New York awake on the couch again. I stared at him before asking him why he was up I needed to get him better-sleeping pills.

"Honey were you awake all night again" standing in the doorway

He looked at me with tired eyes wrapped in his blanket with his baggy jeans and his navy blue hoodie with the New York City sky line watching illegally blonde 2

"ya Dad" he spoke in a tried tone

"Did you forget to get your pills or do you need stronger ones this time"

"I forgot to take them," he said and a slightly embarrassed tone, sloping his face down

"Hey do you want to help me make breakfast since you are getting any sleep now" I asked

"Sure" he answered turning off the tv before getting up and stretching and walking over

"It's always nice to have help around now come on" as we walked to the kitchen put on our aprons 

"so how about pancakes with bacon and eggs how does that sound son"

"Yup that sound good" as he was tying up his aropn

I grabbed the bags of pancake mix from the cupboards I had New York to walk into the walk in freezer to get the eggs and 30 pounds of bacon and to set up the table in the dining room. I got all the bacon and made sure the dogs didn't try and steal anything cooked the eggs into different styles and different pancakes from chocolate chip to plain. I got New York to pick some fresh fruits from the greenhouse and so I can cut them up so everyone can put their own personal topping an to take the dogs out with him

"Hey can you wake up everyone and to tell them we have pancakes for breakfast it's already 7:30"

"Yeah sure Dad" ginned a mischievous as he went upstairs grabbing a megaphone and the speaker from the staircase closet I fed the dogs and cats and waited till everyone got down it wasn't much time until I heard yelling and the clatter of feet going down the stairs.

New York pov

I went upstairs with the speaker and megaphone 2nd floor thank god we lived mostly on the 2nd and 3rd floors because the the elevator is broken I cleared my throat " EVERYONE GET THE FUCK UP I DONT GIVE A DAMN WHAT YOUR TIMEZONE IS GET UP"

I smile as I heard collective groaning from each room I saw D.C walk out of his room still in his pj

"hey D.C how you sleep" he sleepy walked over rubbing his eyes

"could be better" still rubbing his eyes

"oh by the way we are have pancakes" he immediately perked up "shit really" he immediately rush downstairs trying to get a good sit I smiled. I took another deep breath before yelling.

"WHERE HAVING PANCAKES" I saw Texas and Arizona bust their room door open. They are still in there pajamas but they saw each other in the hallway.

Texas yelled at Arizona "RACE YOU THERE" before getting a Headstart

Arizona looked at him with a smile "oh NO you don't"

I rush down with them because a lot of the other states we're running down stairs to get the best spot and on the table trying to get a good spot. I manage to be seated by the window with father by me.

America POV

all the state came running down the stairs they all sat down I serve everyone their food. I grabbed the to-do list today from the fridge before sitting down.

"Ok kids listen up"

They became quiet and looked and listened at me

"This is what we're gonna do today" I stand up before I repeat it the list


To do

-Texas, California, and Arizona turn to feed the horses and remember to give Marshmello her medicine

-Utah and Washington you guys mow the lawn

- Maryland and New Jersey clean the kitchen

- Delaware clean the living room

- Florida feed your pets along with brownie, coal and chicken

- Alaska, Hawaii, and New York, do Landry 

-wyoming you take care of the greenhouse

-Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi water the trees

- Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Carolina, Ohio and Oklahoma feed the farm animals water the crops and perp the crops for the fall

-Pennsylvania and Rhode Island clean the second floor

-Vermont and Virginia clean the 3rd floor

- Arkansas and Colorado clean the 4th floor

-Connecticut and Idaho 5th floor

- Illinois, Indiana, lowa, Kansas and Kentucky clean the basement

-Oregon and Louisiana organize the storage

-make sure California doesn't catch on fire today

-I get medication from the pharmacy

-I go to town get so more groceries running low

-North Dakota and South Dakota water the plants

-Tennessee, West Virginia, D.C and Wisconsin you guys come to town with me

-G͟E͟T͟ R͟E͟A͟D͟Y͟ F͟O͟R͟ T͟H͟E͟ M͟E͟E͟T͟I͟N͟G͟ !!!!! for Tuesday new york


That was a mouth full "So this is everyone chores for the week  list does everyone understand what they're doing? And if you guys need a reminder, it's gonna be posted on the fridge. Understand?"

Everyone nod in agreement before continuing to eat

"also I'm going to be gone for meeting by tomorrow for 2 days and D.C is coming with me"

California peeked up to look at me "So at what time are you going to be leaving dad and where is the meeting going to be held this time"

I spoke "The meeting will be held in New Your in the General assembly hall at 9am to 2 pm and I will be leaving around on car at 5:00 AM so basically be gone for 3 days" Cali smiled before going back to eat

We finish eating and went to our rooms to get ready for the day it going to be a long day.

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