"Yeah! Let's do best friend tag. Sure we are close to that point of our friendship, and sure we are still at the point of getting to know each other, but I'm curious. Maybe you can read me well and I you," he tells me and I hummed. "That does sound like fun, and it would be the quickest way to get to know each other... Okay! Let's do this!" I chirped and turned to give him my full attention.

He giggled and I smiled at that. "This one should be easy! What's the funniest thing I've ever said to you?" "I hate avocados. The reason behind it was also pretty funny." "They are just...ugh!" He groaned and I laughed. "You...hmm... You didn't talk enough for me t- Oh! You called yourself funny!" "Hey! Rude! I am funny!" "Suuuuurrrreeeee...." He looked at his phone as I rolled my eyes.

"Ooh! What’s my middle name?" He asked in a giddy tone. "We didn't do middle names! That's not fair!" I frowned and continued with the food. "No one said anything about being fair dear Harold. Look, I'll answer first," I turned my head a bit as he was just staring at me. "Okay... So your middle name has to roll off the tongue. It has to even up with Harry and Styles... Hmmm," he hummed and looked off, still thinking.

I shook my head and I looked back at the food. "Louis, by the time we get to answering a question like that, our meals would be ready. I can j-" "Edward!" I nearly cut myself with how accurate he was. "Jesus Harry! No need to hurt yourself! Are you okay?" He asked, approaching me fast and he took my hand, instantly inspecting it. "You... You got it right? How the hell did you get it right?" I asked and he looked at me. "Oh, I was? Not going to lie, I was about to say James because Niall and Liam have that as their middle names. Still, be careful," he said and let go of my hand.

"Now I have to get this right!" I exclaimed with a pout and Louis chuckled. "I won't be hurt or anything Harry. We will still be friends," he reassured, but I'm competitive like this. I turned and zoned in on him. He chuckled, but I didn't smile this time. I was in this and I am going to get it right.

...."Louis... Louis Sa- no ew... Louis pa- ew... Louis Tr- weird, not natural. Louis re- ra...no." Louis laughed and looked at his phone. "Louis Be- no... Louis dr-...Louis wi- LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON!" He nearly dropped his phone and he pressed his hand to his chest. "Jesus fuck Harry! No need to scare me! You made me think me mum was here..." "Sorry... Was I right though?" "Yes, you're right. Scared the shit out of me, but you are right," he tells me and I smiled.

"What’s my favorite food?" "Pizza!" "That fast?" "Niall told me the many times that you guys would order pizza first thing whenever you do hangout together." "Does that scream favorite to you?" "Well it wouldn't have been if you ordered occasionally, but if you order it every time that you hang out, then that would be telling," I told him with a shrug. "Damn... I really gotta switch up my diet then... Now with you... I would say seafood because you make that the most for lunch..." I stop my movement and I slowly turned to look at him.

"Do you not like it?" I asked, feeling a bit insecure. He looked at me with shock. "My mouth literally every time I walk into that school Harry. I love your cooking, so no I don't like it. I freaking love it. What is tomorrow's meal anyway?" "Um... I can change it if you want, but um... It's Thai Coconut Shrimp Curry..." "I've never tried curry before. Can't wait!" He exclaimed and I smiled.

"Now for your favorite food.... You seem like the Mexican type, so I'd say a good taco would make you happy," he then answered and I smiled big. "Yeah it would. I might make that for dinner..." "Ooh! Can I have some? You don't have to if you don't want to. I just really love you cooking," he tells me and I smiled bigger. "Sure, I was planning on making dinner right after this anyway. My mum doesn't mind either," I tell him and I saw him brighten at that.

"Awesome! Now, What is your nickname for me?" He asked and I chuckled. "It varies between Lou or L. Even called you Tommo a few times. I think Lou is my go-to nickname for you though," I told him truthfully. "Okay. As long as Lewis isn't your go-to then you're in the clear. My go-to for you would be Hazza, or Hazz. Hazza does seem like the one that will get your attention the most though," he said and I shrugged. "Your voice is easy to pick out for one and two, not a lot of people would have the second 'a' in there. They would just stop at Hazz," I tell him and he hummed.

"See how much we are learning about each other?" He asked and I smiled at him.

When I finished up on the lunches, I started to work on the tacos. "I'll make a to-go container for you since I'm sure that your family is expecting for you to return at some point tonight," I bring up and he nodded with a sigh. "We were having fun though!" "I'm not saying that we can't do this again or anything. I find your company rather pleasant actually. Are you able to hang out anytime soon?" I asked and he nodded his head. 

"Practice doesn't take long and there isn't a big game for a whole month. We can totally hang out on Wednesday. Friday we should invite the others. I have time that I need to make up with them." "I would like that, and I'm sure that they would like that too. We should tell them tomorrow at school," I suggested and he nodded, agreeing.

"What’s your favorite thing to do with me?" He then asked and I looked at him as I was getting the shells out. "This. Asking each other questions and having a fun time talking about it. I think that should be something that friends should always take a moment to do. Just talk. There isn't a whole need for a certain activity. Talking should be just fine." "See! This is where the wise stuff I was talking about comes to play!" He chirped and I smiled at him.

"I think teaching you how to play futbol is my favorite thing that we have done. You are a bit rusty still, but it was always fun playing footie with you," he tells me honestly and I chuckled.

We continued to talk until the tacos were ready to be served. He told me what he wanted and I made him a plate to-go before I started to walk him out. My mother was just about to reach the kitchen and Louis took that time to introduce himself and thank her for letting him into her home. I knew that my mom already liked him as she doesn't hug every man that steps into this home that I invite. She never even hugged Nick.

Anyways! I said my goodbyes to Louis and when he was out of sight, I went back into the kitchen to make my mom and I a plate of food.

As I was making these plates, I saw her smiling at me and when I took the time to ask her what she was smiling about, she just shook her head and I was a bit confused, but I just continued on, not realizing that I was talking on and on about Louis.

When the two of us were done with dinner, we were washing the dishes.

"You know, I'm really happy for you," She says from out of nowhere. I looked at her and tilted my head.

"My boy is finally happy."

Fixing Each Other (Book 1) (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now