Shikamaru and Temari Gone

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Hey guys. This is a story I came up with at work one day. Has nothing to do with work, I just suddenly thought of it at work. It's a oneshot, so there won't be any more chapters to it, and it's also shorter. I hope it doesn't feel too rushed, but I didn't really plan on making this one too hectic. Hope you still enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the idea and the characters belong to Kishimoto and Mashima Sensei.


Shikadai had been on several missions since he became a genin. Not very many outside the village, but plenty of ones in the village. He's babysat, walked dogs, cleaned yards and gardens, helped older women with shopping, but the mission he was on now was the most troublesome one he had ever done. The problem? This mission was one given to him not by the village, but by his own dad.

"Shikamaru, it's been years since we've gone on an actual family vacation. I think the last time we did was when Shikadai was five," Temari complained.

Shikadai sighed as he listened to his mother yell at his father... again. He still didn't know why his father actually married a troublesome woman like his mother, but everytime he asked, his father just said something about being gentle to him or something like that. He still didn't fully understand.

"Temari, you're eight, almost nine, months pregnant. We can't just go on a vacation when you're that far along," Shikamaru countered.

There it was. The reason his father gave him his mission. He had asked Shikadai to stay by his mother's side when he wasn't on missions because his father was worried about his mother. He knew his mother was a great shinobi, and not just because she's put him on his butt on more than one occasion during training. She didn't need a babysitter, and she made that very clear when she wanted to.

Temari put her fists on her hips, her very large stomach protruding very noticeably. "And why not? I'm pregnant, Shikamaru, not injured. Once this baby comes, we won't have time to do anything. Sure we'll have Shikadai to help us this time around, but you're going to be here with Naruto most of the time, and I'll be busy with the baby. Now is probably the only time we could take one."

"Actually, he can have the time off whenever he wants," Naruto said.

Shikadai sighed again. Did they really need to do this in the Hokage's office? He could see the uncomfortable look on Naruto's face as his parents argued.

"Oh really?" Temari questioned, turning her glare on the other blonde in the room.

Naruto flinched and sat back in his chair, which made Shikadai chuckle a bit, but he immediately regretted it as Temari turned her glare on him.

"And that's another thing," Temari said as she turned back to Shikamaru. "Why the heck hasn't Shikadai had any missions the last few days? He's been following me around like a lost puppy."

Shikamaru reached up and rubbed the back of his neck, slightly looking away from his angry wife. "I wanted him to stay with you since you're so close to your due date."

Temari narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms over her large stomach. "I'm still a week away from that, and besides, this is your child we're talking about. She'll probably be too lazy to be born on her due date just like Shikadai was."

"Temari..." Shikamaru tried, but Temari once again cut him off.

"Don't 'Temari' me. I'm not a child, Shikamaru. I don't need a babysitter."

"Look, Shikamaru, if it makes her happy, just take a few days and go on a small vacation," Naruto said.

Shikadai smiled at Naruto's attempt to calm his mother down.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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