Chapter 12 Found Him

Start from the beginning

The statistics alone showed that Gotham had the highest crime rate in the United States than any other city.

That was until he came along. Straight into the darkness of Gotham, he struck out with hardened fists, technological gadgets and tenacious willpower, dedicating himself to combating the forces of evil within this city with his mortal body and sharp mind.

He became what Gotham needed the most when it really counted.

The hero of Gotham, Bruce Wayne, otherwise known as Batman. Kinda weird hero name when you think about it, but oh well.

Who told the guy to have a thing with bats when he was younger.

And so, with determination in his heart, Bruce set out to become what was necessary for Gotham. To make sure that he could prevent the tragic encounter that happened to him from happening to others.

Even if he couldn't save everyone, he would try his best to put a halt to this city's corruption. Even if he had to use slightly more extreme methods to get the job done.

And try he did. It was well known that Batman of the Justice League was a little..... different from the rest of his associates. His fighting posture was a lot harsher, usually leaving his opponents with broken bones, bloody noses, Batarang scars and branded bat marks.

His vigilante approach, regardless of what it seemed like to the common folk in the early days, was rather effective. Superman was a symbol of hope to the people of Metropolis, while Batman was a symbol of fear to the criminals of Gotham.

A place like this needed a heavy hand if you wanted to make a difference, and made a difference he did.

At least Bruce would like to think so.

At first, his tactics did work well. But as they say, You live, You learn. Some criminals are rather lousy, but not all of them are dumb. Some would evolve, and that fear of Batman would turn to caution.

Unknowingly, Batman in his quest to save a lost city was helping its criminals work smarter, plan better and develop targeted tactics.

In a way, Batman was teaching them to be better. Bruce soon realized this as new and more challenging criminals to deal with rose overtime, all hell-bent on challenging him, one way or the other. Yet, he could do nothing but continue the same charade of hunt and capture while God knows how many innocent lives died along the line.

Gotham needed a stronger, more permanent service to get back on track. Services that Batman, no matter how brutal he tried to be, just couldn't and wouldn't provide, probably even when faced with the cost of his life.


Batman's POV….

"It's calm. Too calm". Bruce said expressionlessly as he stared through infrared binoculars while fully decked up in his bat getup.

He stood on one of Gotham's skylines while looking down on the city as he went about his regular evening patrol.

"Isn't that supposed to be a good thing, Bruce?" A figure a few meters away from him stood with her arms folded across her chest.

Batman turned around to look at the woman, giving her a slightly narrowed glare.

She froze a bit with her mouth slightly open before lowering her head .

"I..... Sorry, Batman. I just meant, the gangs are keeping a low profile and no one's gone out to perform a big stunt in days. What's bad about that?" Barbara Gordon, who was similarly dressed in the bat costume, apologized before speaking.

She was well aware how Bruce vehemently emphasized on the use of code-names whenever they were out in the field. She heard that he once had an argument with the Flash over this issue. Their secret identities being revealed was a catastrophe on its own if it ever occurred.

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