Chapter 7: Not my Grandparents

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Ok the thing I said about this being an amazing day, well, scratch that out. Everything was still amazing before those people who I least want to see now start making a racket at the hospital's paediatric department help desk. Let me explain.

Lina and I reach the hospital and I invite her to my room for a quick coffee break. She agrees saying she has to go visit her best friend later.

We enter the hospital Anna at the reception desk gives me a smile saying "looking hot today Dr. Wynters."

"Thanks Anna its the curtsy of this lovely lady with me." I say with a big smile.

"And this is?" Anna asks me looking at Lina in awe probably from her style and the way she carries herself.

"Oh this is my boyfriend's mother Lovelina. Anna can you ask Mrs. Thompson to send two cups of coffee in my room. And please don't disturb me for half an hour until urgent. I don't have any patients to look at till then."

Anna nods at me and we both make way to my room. One thing I loved about TM hospital is the fact that it allows the Paediatricians to customize their own room. My room is a cute room with tangerine coloured walls with a desk and and chair for me. It also has 3 chairs in front of me for the visitors. The back of the room has a pink coloured couch and a blue one with a centre table in front of them. It has a weighing machine in the shape of the elephant and toys in the wating area for the kids after examination.

"Your room is different from Leon's. It is beautiful." Lina says while I put my bag down and clean up my table a bit.

I gesture her to take a seat in the couch while I turn on the air-conditioning. The coffee soon arrives and we talk about how we got into BDSM and how she met Xand's dads. After about 15 minutes we were interrupted by my office phone.

I pick it up and say "Hello Dr. Wynters speaking."

"Hey a old couple is here saying that they are your grandparents and want to meet you. I tried telling them you don't want to be disturbed but they are making a racket here. It is agitating the kids here."

I frown and say "Wait I will be there to take care for it. And they are not my grandparents you can call them Mr and Mrs Wynters." I slam down the reciever.

"Is everything alright?" Lina asks me concern lacing her voice.

"I am sorry it is just some people who call themselves my grandparents. You are probably going to see a nice drama right now." I say to her trying to keep the frown away from my face and horribly failing at it too.

"Don't worry we all have those people in our lives. Just take it easy." Lina says to me. I can't believe how I got into such a nice family away from my shitty one except my mom and aunt.

I get out of the room and move toward the reception to see my grandparents shouting at poor Anna while she is trying to calm them down.

"This is a kids department as well as a hospital. So kindly keep you voices down.  It is agitating the kids around you, well I really cannot seeing you care for kids anyways so lets go to my room and discuss whatever you want like civilised people which apparently you aren't." I say trying to calm my voice so I don't agitate the kids any further.

I pass Anna a small sorry and a sad smile while asking them to follow me. The receptionists all try and calm the parents and their kids. We move to my room in all quitness which I really don't mind at all actually.

We all enter the room and I close the door behind me and say "Well Liam and Lauren what do you both want?" I say asking them stright to the point.

"Is this woman staying here?" Liam says while passing Lina a disgusted look.

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