"Oh, just how you were letting me help you and then completely denying me."

Josie says sarcastically seemingly complaining about Hope's attitude over the last few days.

"Our situations are different.
But I won't apologize for wanting to help your mom and be there for you."

"You are just so..conflicting."

Josie turns away from the door and starts heading downstairs, with Hope following her still going on about the argument.

"What's going on here?"


Both girls answer unanimously.

"There's certainly a lot of tension, let's just slow down before things get out of hand.
How was Caroline?"

"Whatever happened to my mom,
I should have been the first to know."

"Josie, it was your father's decision.."

"My father needs a reality check!!"

Josie yelled, loosing her temper. She was tired of hearing how much her father was trying to protect her, which was completely not the case for her. She decided to leave and lock herself into the guest room for the rest of the afternoon.
Even when the Salvatore's had their dinner, Josie refused to join them and remained in her room. Her father made several attempts to knock on the door but there was no answer, just quiet sobs coming from the guest room. It definitely hurt him knowing his daughter had decided to distance herself, when they should be a united front against all this.

Later that night, Hope decided to look past their differences and be the bigger person, at least that's what she thought she was doing when she knocked gently on Josie's door.

"I said go away, I don't wanna see you dad!!"

"It's me, Josette."

Hope's voice made Josie raise her head off her drenched pillow, she wasn't expecting the tribrid to attempt to even speak to her again after their heated argument that evening.

"Go away, Hope."

"Just let me in, come on don't be daft."

The auburn was made to wait several minutes, leading her to believe Josie was not going to turn up and let her in. However, after making herself a little more presentable, not that it really mattered to the auburn, Josie decided to open her door.

"You're calling me names, now?"

"Why are you acting like this?"

Josie pouted her lips, not really bothering to reply to something that obvious. She stepped to the side, inviting Hope in.

"Okay I get it, alright?
You are angry with me because I've kept secrets, but possibly the truth would hurt you even more."

"No, I'm angry because our whole lives you've put my dad first, every single time."

"Both choices had implications, Josie.
What's more important is to focus on finding a cure right now."

"Well, I bet you're on top of that already."

"I'm doing the best I can.."

Hope paused, her voice and demeanour softening a bit.

"I promise you I'm not going to let anything happen to Caroline."

Josie didn't respond, she couldn't grasp the idea that Hope was actually being truthful for once.

"I can't bare it twice, Josie."

The brunette looked up, meeting those blue nostalgic eyes trying to speak volumes, Hope always hesitated to express her softer side but when it came to Josie things weren't as complicated.

"You don't have to.
You don't have to stay and fight for this, I've got my sister for that."

"It's a little too late now, isn't it?"

"Yeah, but you don't deserve to go through any more pain."

"It's not about what I deserve. Life taught me that we usually don't get what we deserve, we get what we strive for."

"Now you sound like my dad."

"Oh, shut up."

Both girls chuckled for a moment, as they also started letting their guards down towards each other.

"I know it must be hard for you, being here. So thank you..Hope."

The auburn caught herself smiling softly while standing over Josie's bed, her tiredness was starting to kick in.

"It's getting late, I better go.
But it's nice to see that you don't hate me."

"Well, I wouldn't sleep on that."

Josie answered teasingly.


"Can I ask you something, before you go?"

"Of course, anything."

Josie gathered herself and patted the small space on the bed next to her.

"Stay for a few more hours?
Until I fall asleep."

"You really want me to?"

"Y-Yeah..if that's okay..."

Hope contemplated momentarily, staying with Josie didn't sound that bad of an idea. Maybe she was being given a second chance at making up, after that horrible day. They both needed the support, it seemed.

The auburn settled down on the bed awkwardly.

"This feels a little strange."

Kindred Spirits In Revenge | Hosie Where stories live. Discover now