[19] A Life That's So Demanding, I Get So Weak

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The sun was beginning to go down and the sky was transforming into a beautiful ombre featuring lighter and darker shades. The nighttime was presenting itself to me, and I openly accepted its invitation. When I arrived at Kale's house, his mother opened the door and greeted me with a huge hug that I could have sworn squished all of my organs. I was like a pancake.

"It's great to see you, Mrs. Evergreen!" I commented, while trying to breathe. That woman had always been a hugger, so I don't see why it surprised me that she was hugging me now.

"Mom, you're killing her." Kale came into view wearing a graphic tee and jeans. I was in love with how laid back our relationship. With Erik I had bothered to put a skirt on, but now I didn't have a single care in the world about how I looked around Kale. I think that's how love is supposed to be, anyways. I shouldn't have to care about how I look around him, and neither should he.

When his mother walked away, Kale grabbed my overnight bag and we walked over to his room. "Sorry about that."

"I don't mind!" I laughed. "It never bothered me before, so why should it now."

Kale gave me a small smile as he dropped the duffel bag onto his one chair. I plopped myself down on his bed and began 'twittering' on my phone, as my mother would say. He cleared his throat and I turned around to face him. "What?"

"You came here to take over my living space and just tweet?" He raised an eyebrow with a disapproving look on his face.

I nodded. "Pretty much."

"You are unpredictable, but I appreciate that."

I tossed his one pillow at him. "You better because it will be real darn hard for you to find another like me." He rolled his eyes and laid down next to me.

"So who are you Twitter stalking now? Jenna Marbles or Shane Dawson?" Kale teased me.

"I am not YouTube obsessed!" I screamed. Lie.

"Right. So are we going to watch a movie or what?" Kale looked at me with the largest smile that I have ever seen him sport. Well, maybe that's not true, but he did look quite happy.

So naturally, I teased him. "Oh, is someone excited to see Alicia Silverstone become the definition of perfection?"

"No, I am excited to spend time with my girlfriend," he shot back. I gave him a quick smile and threw my phone towards the direction of where my bag now rested. Being as athletically challenged as I was, I missed the chair completely.

"Pathetic." Kale shook his head at me and I bit my tongue. What a tease.

I moved my body closer to the top of his bed where the headboard was and got comfortable. I knew that we weren't going to stop after watching just one movie. It would turn into a binge watching of many classic movies, starting off with my personal favorite, Clueless. He walked over to his DVD player to set up the movie and his mom walked in with snacks.

"We have extra buttery popcorn, since I've heard that it's a personal favorite." His mother gave me a knowing glance and I just nodded. She watched me grow up - she knew what my taste buds preferred, and Mrs. Evergreen had always been very good about planning dinners where I ate with them accordingly to my tastes.

"Thank you!" I grabbed the bowl and restrained myself from stuffing my face with the popcorn. I had to act with decorum around his mother, but once she left, I would become the most carefree person in the world.

To my dismay, Mrs. Evergreen sat on the edge of the bed holding some envelope in her hand. "So Eryn, did you get one of these?" She waved it around in her hands.

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