Chapter 14.

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Naruto's Apartment.

It was an early morning in the hidden leaf village as Naruto is in his slumber. Naruto then awakens from his sleep looks at his clock and sees the time is five o'clock a.m. Naruto then gets out of bed to then do his morning routines. 

After doing his morning routines Naruto goes to his kitchen to make himself breakfast by cooking a three egg omelette. Naruto then speaks to himself in his mind "Kakashi was over three hours late yesterday and wasn't sorry for it and he tells us to be at the training grounds at five in the morning. Plus to tell us not to eat breakfast and have all of us go to the training grounds on an empty stomach before taking his survival exercise test, all because he doesn't want us to vomit. Plus he must crazy in his mind to think we would fight him on an empty stomach today. Honestly though Sakura would be the only person skipping breakfast, I mean who in their right mind would skip the most important meal of the day and Sakura is so thin like a twig, a gust of wind would easily blow her away." 

Naruto then finishes cooking his omelette and puts his omelette onto his plate as he walks over to his table with his breakfast and does a morning prayer and begins to eat his breakfast. After eating his breakfast he then goes over to the sink to clean the dishes. After cleaning the dishes, he looks at the clock and sees that the time right now six thirty as then goes to room to get dress in his clothes and grabs his weapons that is shuriken, kuani, his katana's, tantos and his battle fans which are sealed inside the sealing scroll. in which he grabbed both of the scrolls, one containing the two small battle fans and the other scroll containing the bigger battle fan. He then finishes tying his headband on his forehead and then goes to his kitchen to prepare his lunch which is a shrimp salad. After making his shrimp salad he pulls out a sealing scroll and seals his salad into the sealing scroll to keep the salad fresh for him until it's time for lunch. He then cleans the dishes he used to help prepare his shrimp salad and after cleaning the dishes he then looks at the clock and sees it's eight o'clock as he then grabs two tangerines on his way out. He then locks the door to his apartment as he makes his way to the training field as he walked in a comfortable pace as he then begins to eat the tangerines he brought with him as a quick snack while walking to the training field. 

Training Ground Seven.

Naruto arrives to training ground seven where he sees his teammates Sasuke and Sakura who have been there since five in the morning and the two looked miserable. Miserable as Sasuke could look. Sakura on the other hand was sitting on the ground regretting not eating breakfast. 

Sakura then saw Naruto as he approaches her and Sasuke, the first thing she does is get angry and start yelling at Naruto. 

"Your late Naruto!" yelled Sakura as Naruto arrives at the training ground.

Naruto looked around the training grounds and sure enough, Kakashi wasn't here at the training grounds. Turning back to Sakura, Naruto shrugs as he replies "Sakura I don't know how I'm late if Kakashi isn't here." 

Sakura opened her mouth to yell but couldn't refute Naruto's statement. Then her stomach growls and then shortly after Sasuke's stomach growls. Naruto raised an eyebrow in disbelief "They really are that stupid to not breakfast." Naruto said in his mind.

Naruto then spoke in disbelief "You two didn't eat breakfast?!"

They shook their heads confirming Naruto's answer as then Sakura begins to yell again "Kakashi told us all not to eat breakfast stupid! Why did you eat breakfast Naruto!?" 

Naruto then glares coldly at Sakura causing the pink hair girl to flinch "Sakura, I'm standing right here. There's no need to start yelling, I'm not across the street or some stranger. As for eating breakfast, it's the most important meal of the day." as he said those last words like he's speaking to two year olds. 

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