Chapter 10.

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Training Field.

"Okay Naruto it is time we begin your training on the war fan." said Karura. Karura then pulls two scrolls out of her pockets, she puts her chakra into the scrolls releasing the war fan's one looking like Temari's and the other one being two small fans. "These are your weapons Naruto. You're going to learn how to use them, plus I had them made special just for you." Naruto examines the weapons and is fascinated by them and when opens the fans he sees two moons being blue like his eyes and he sees the Uzumaki Clan symbol as part of the moons but he notices the Namikaze clan seal hidden in one moon from the war fan kept well hidden so Naruto's true identity is not revealed and he will remove the moon when he's ready to reveal his true name. As he then closes the fans and puts the two small fans in his pockets and picks up the war fan ready for his training. "Thank you Karura." Naruto smiles "Your welcome Naruto." Karura replies. "Alright Naruto, now to use the war fan, all you have to do is mold your wind chakra into the fan as you pull it back. You push the chakra forward and out of the fan as you swing it, releasing a gust of wind that's strengthened by your chakra. That's what make it different then the amount of wind that's released by swinging the fan without using chakra. Temari show Naruto what you know." Temari nods as she steps forward and opens up her fan and channels her wind chakra into her fan and then swings "Wind Style: Wind Scythe Jutsu!" Temari yells, as the gust of wind blows away the targets and puts the targets in the tornado and being carved by countless wind blades, as the wind dies down the targets then fall as they're showed to be cut into so many pieces. Naruto stood there surprised and amazed by Temari's skills at being a wind style user being quite strong like her mother. "Pretty cool huh Naruto." said Temari and turns around to see Naruto amazed and laughs. Naruto then smiles as he replies "I can see why you call yourself "The Wind Goddess" Temari and I will say that was impressive." "Thanks Naruto. Now it's your turn and good luck." replied Temari. "Alright Naruto your next. Remember what I've taught you." said Karura. Naruto then steps forward as he opens his fan, channels his wind chakra into the fan and then swings it as he yells "Wind Style: Wind Scythe Jutsu!" as a gust of wind starts blowing away the targets and brings the targets into the tornado and starts slicing and dicing the targets. The difference though was the tornado that was larger than Temari's as everybody felt the powerful wind jutsu Naruto made. As the wind dies down the results show the targets being cut into pieces. Everyone was surprised by the jutsu Naruto just did, "Well Naruto that was quite impressive, you used the jutsu quite efficiently, with more training on the war fan you will be ready to use it, you just need to work on your chakra control when using the war fan since its very new to you." said Karura. "Thank you Karura and I will work on it." Naruto nods. Temari then approaches Naruto "That was amazing Naruto! You did good!" Temari pats Naruto on the back. Naruto forms a small smile as he replies "Thanks Temari." They then resume their war fan training, Karura and Temari were quite surprised on how well Naruto picked on the war fan training and worked on his chakra control with the war fan. 

After Naruto was done with his war fan training he then starts training with Baki another friend of his parents. "Naruto, it's good to finally meet you." Baki reaches his hand out to Naruto and Naruto shakes Baki's hand "It's good to finally meet you too Baki." Naruto smiles. They then let go, "Okay Naruto I'm going to help you with your training on your wind style, I have been told about you have all five chakra natures which is very intriguing, not many shinobi would possess all five chakra natures. Now Naruto, let us begin your training." Baki taught Naruto many wind style techniques and Baki was amused with the results of Naruto's training and so were Karura and Rasa as Rasa also noted to let Hiruzen and the others know about Naruto's training progress. After training with Baki, Naruto then begins training with Pakura, another friend of his parents. "Naruto it's nice to finally meet you." Pakura reaches her hand out to Naruto and Naruto smiles and shakes her hand "It's nice to finally meet you too Pakura." Pakura then hugs Naruto and Naruto hugs her back. "Alright Naruto, I will be helping you with your fire style training and I will also help in your wind style training when you're using your swords and your kunai to combine your wind chakra with them and also assist you with your other training. Now Naruto, are you ready to begin?" "Yes Pakura." Replied Naruto. "Good answer Naruto. Now let's begin your training." Pakura replies. "Hold on Pakura sensei, I want to help Naruto in his training as well." Naruto smiling as he gets to see Maki during his trip. During when Naruto was younger, before Itachi went rogue, before Shisui's death and Izumi's death he met Maki. Maki was Shisui's girlfriend, she was also friends with Itachi Uchiha and his girlfriend Izumi Uchiha. Maki is a calm and level headed kunoichi and was Pakura's student who would regularly train with her as Maki is also very determined and driven when it comes to training. For Maki's appearance she has bright blue eyes and shoulder length dark hair. Her most notable features are the purple markings on her face. She wears the standard attire of a hidden sand ninja including the turban. As a child, her hair was much shorter and she wore a yellow blouse with a red shirt underneath that exposed her navel, a black skirt, thigh-length fishnet stockings and sandals. Maki lost her father during the third great ninja war when he fought some ninja from the hidden mist village. Maki and Shisui were the same age when they first met each other when they both took their chunin exams and became friends during the exams. They both passed their exams and as time went on they then became a couple, Shisui introduced Maki to Itachi and his girlfriend Izumi and the four of them were very good friends and she was then introduced to Naruto. She knew who Naruto's parents were as her sensei Pakura was very close friends with them and she met them when she was a younger. Her and Naruto got along great as well and cared for him. Sadly Maki received a letter from Izumi telling her that Shisui committed suicide, her heart was broken when she got the news of the man she loved died and she wished she saved Shisui and she never knew he was depressed. The next day sadly she then heard the news of the Uchiha clan massacre and that it was committed by Itachi Uchiha. The young prodigy of the Uchiha clan she thought of as a friend killed his own clan and also killed his own girlfriend Izumi Uchiha and Itachi was just thirteen years old when he did all of this. Maki felt betrayed for what Itachi did and was sad that her own friend Izumi was killed by Itachi and she wished that she saved her and stopped Itachi. She vowed to one day find Itachi and demand the truth from him on why he killed Izumi and the clan and also ask him if he killed shisui as she had a theory that he killed Shisui the night before the Uchiha clan massacre even though Itachi gave his statement that he didn't murder Shisui. "Ah Maki glad you can join us, with you here we will be able to work together on Naruto's training. Now then Naruto it is time to begin your training."  

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