Chapter 6.

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Time-skip 3 days later.

The journey to the Land Of Wind has been smooth sailing for Naruto, Hiruzen, Kakashi and Jiraiya. Naruto seeing the shinobi world outside of the hidden leaf village has intrigued him. Exploring the land of fire while traveling to the land of wind to get to the hidden sand village. Seeing many different villages, going through the villages and seeing many different wooden areas when traveling through the Land Of Fire.

When they would make stops to rest in the woods or in the next town, Naruto started on his Kenjutsu training with Kakashi helping him as Kakashi used to use Kenjutsu when he was young and during his years in the ANBU black ops until he resigned from the ANBU black ops to become a Jonin. He doesn't use a sword anymore as he's more good with Kunai and started using those. But since Naruto was going to start his training on Kenjutsu he decided to take his old sword with him to help Naruto with his Kenjutsu training. The sword of Kakashi's was called the "White Light Blade". The tanto belonged to Kakashi's father, Sakumo Hatake aka "The White Fang Of The Hidden Leaf."

Naruto remembers reading about Kakashi's father Sakumo Hatake, during his times when he would go to the library to read and keep his brain active to become smarter. Naruto learned how Sakumo was a famous and powerful ninja of the Hidden Leaf who, during his lifetime, held fame that was said to overshadow even that of "The Legendary Sannin". Kakashi, Sakumo's son proved himself a genius like Sakumo and idolized his father, desiring to become just as great a ninja as his father. Sakumo's wife died when Kakashi was very young. Sakumo witnessed his son successfully pass the entrance exam to enter the ninja academy.

Sakumo was a very kind and loyal man. He loved his only son dearly, often picking him up at the end of the day after Kakashi was done playing with his friends. Despite his tremendous fame and power as a ninja, he was a very humble man, which made Kakashi truly look up to and idolize him. He had a deep devotion to the Hidden Leaf and an even greater commitment to his allies and loved ones to the point he would put their well-being before anything else.

Sakumo had a kind face with dark eyes which had deep lines running underneath them. He had spiky, silver-coloured hair that reached into the middle of his back tied in a ponytail and bangs that hung over his. He wore a standard Hidden Leaf ninja uniform with a pair of gloves, bandages on his right arm, and the addition of distinctive short white sleeve which had red edges and the standard crest of the Hidden Eddy Village from the the Land Of Whirlpools on it which is also the symbol of the Uzumaki Clan. He also carried a holster worn diagonally over his right shoulder which held his "White Light Blade". Overall, Kakashi bears such a great resemblance to him that he has even been mistaken for his father on several occasions.

During the Second Great Ninja War, Sakumo earned the nickname "The White Fang Of The Hidden Leaf". During the war when his son Kakashi was still in the academy, Sakumo and his team were sent on a very important mission that was of great importance to the Hidden Leaf. When Sakumo's teammates lives were endangered, Sakumo chose to abandon the mission to save his teammates. However due to Sakumo's actions of saving his teammates and abandoning the mission, the impact of the mission's failure caused Sakumo to be vilified by the Land Of Fire, the villagers of the Hidden Leaf, and even the teammates he saved. Dishonored, Sakumo fell into a deep depression, which caused his abilities to suffer as a result.

On a thunderstorm night, Sakumo committed suicide, Kakashi witnessed his father take his own life in front of his eyes and Sakumo was later buried in the Hidden Leaf cemetery. Naruto's dad Minato went to Sakumo and Kakashi's house to check on both of them, he tried knocking on their front door but no one was answering and tried knocking on the door again and there was still no answer he checked to see if the door was locked and it was actually unlocked, Minato was surprised the door was unlocked and wonder how it was unlocked and thought that Kakashi or Sakumo must have forgotten to lock the door when one of them came home, Minato walks inside the house to find Kakashi and Sakumo. After walking a bit through the house he found Kakashi and Sakumo, but the sight that Minato saw was very sad, he found Kakashi on his knees crying over Sakumo's dead body and found Sakumo's sword on the ground realizing Sakumo committed suicide and that Kakashi witnessed his father take his own life. Minato comforted the young Kakashi until Hiruzen The Third Hokage and some leaf ninja arrived to pick up Sakumo's body and give him a proper funeral and burial. Kakashi fell into a depression when grieving the lost of his dad.

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