Chapter 8.

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Naruto makes his way to the mansion, Naruto walks up to the front door and then knocks on the door. "Just a second." The voice that came from the other side of the door. Naruto waits at the front door, he hears footsteps on the other side of the door and the front door is then opened, he is greeted by a woman. Her name was Karura, she is the wife of Rasa, the close friend of Pakura, Baki, Minato and Kushina. Karura smiles as she introduces herself to Naruto, "Hello Naruto it's so good to finally meet you." Naruto replies "It's nice to meet you Karura."  Naruto smiles and bows. Karura then replies "No need to bow Naruto, after all I knew your parents for a long time." Karura then hugs Naruto, Naruto was surprised by the hug and hugs Karura back. They then broke away from the hug, "Well come on in Naruto, I'm sure your journey has been a long one." They then both walk into the mansion. Naruto is in awe when he walks in the mansion. It looks very different than his parents home back at the leaf. "You have a very nice home Karura." "Thank you Naruto." replied Karura. "When your parents come to the hidden sand they've stayed here a couple of times, just as we've visited your parents as well." "Wow." replied Naruto. "Come on Naruto let me show around." Naruto replies, "Okay Karura lead the way." 

Karura starts showing Naruto around the mansion, she showed him a large living room and then took him into the large dining room that was attached to the kitchen. Karura then takes Naruto upstairs to the first flor as they climbed up the stairs they came to a hallway as Naruto saw many rooms down the hall and Karura then takes Naruto inside a room. Inside the room he has a king size bed, a big closet, a dressing table with a huge shelf besides it, a nightstand right next to his bed, a desk where can read his scrolls, his books or work and an attached bathroom. Naruto was transfixed that he was going to be staying here, it was as big as his apartment in the leaf he mused.  "Okay Naruto, this is your room where you will be staying. The room besides you is my son Kankurō's, the one in front of his is my son Gaara's, while my daughter Temari's room is at the end of the hallway to the left." "I'll let you unpack and get settled, Naruto if you need me for anything I'll be downstairs. You'll be able to meet Gaara when he wakes up tomorrow morning, Kankuro and Temari are currently walking around the village right now they'll be back soon so you can meet both of them." Naruto replies "Thank you Karura." Naruto replies and hugs Karura. Laura hugs Naruto and ruffles his hair " You're welcome Naruto." Karura and Naruto then breakaway from their hug, Karura then leaves and Naruto closes the door, then he begins to unpack.

He pulls out sealing scrolls that he has sealed inside the scrolls and puts his chakra into the scrolls and puts his clothes in the closet, then gets his scrolls on Kenjutsu, the adamantine chain and adamantine attack chain scrolls and the Uchiha Style: Halo Dance scroll he got from Shisui and puts them in the drawer at the desk, he then removes his swords and sets them down right by the wall. "Well that's everything unpacked guess I'll go meditate for a couple of minutes." Naruto sits down and gets into his meditative posture, he then takes a deep breath and breathed out, he then closes his eyes and begins to meditate.

20 minutes later.

Naruto has meditated for twenty minutes after he unpacked, he then gets out of his meditation trance, he stands up and starts stretching. "Well that's a good meditation. What to do next?" "Why don't you start training on the scroll Shisui gave you, or the adamantine chain scrolls? Maybe. I could also ask Karura for information on the war fan as well. I'll start first on the Uchiha Style: Halo Dance technique. Shisui entrusted me with this scroll that has the technique he created and I made a promise to Shisui after he died that I will learn his technique once I unlocked my chakra and figure out my chakra natures." "You have much determination in you Naruto, I know Shisui will be proud of you and so will your family." "Thank you Kurama." "After that I'll start working on my adamantine chains and adamantine attack chains." Naruto walks over to his swords and puts them behind his back to carry them and then walks over to the desk and opens the drawer and grabs the Uchiha style: halo dance scroll and the adamantine chains and adamantine attack chains scrolls and closes the drawer and puts the scrolls in his pocket and leaves his room.

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