Chapter 9.

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After Naruto and Temari composed themselves, they then turn around and came face to face. Temari then breaks the ice by starting the conversation, "Hey Naruto do you know how to play shogi?" "No. No one really ever played with me before but if you explain the rules I might be able to play Temari." Temari then runs upstairs to her room and goes through closet to find it "No one ever really played with Naruto back at the leaf village? Why wouldn't they want to play with him, he looks so innocent. Once I find it and when me and Naruto start playing Shogi it will help cheer him up." Temari says in her mind and smiling while looking through her closet and once she found it she heads back to the living room. "I'll show how to play shogi Naruto. It'll be fun." Temari smiling. Naruto then smiles. "Oh no Naruto don't play shogi with Temari she always wins." Whined Kankurō. "That's because you're too dumb to play a mind and strategy game instead of those dolls of yours. And my mind is one of the best strategic minds in the village and the academy you idiot." "Hey! They're puppets not dolls Temari! And puppets are part of the puppet master jutsu techniques invented by the hidden sand village!" Kankurō replies. Karura laughs "Kankurō, when you were little and when you started learning the puppet master jutsu you did used Temari's dolls for your training and you used my makeup before you decided to start going to Temari's room to use her makeup." "Mom! Not in front in my new friend Naruto!"  Everyone then laughs as Kankuro is embarrassed by his mom and sister.

Karura goes to the kitchen to prepare dinner while Kankuro watches Naruto and Temari play shogi. Temari explains the rules of shogi to Naruto and they then begin the game. Temari then starts the conversation after she goes first, "So you came all the way from the hidden leaf village in the land of fire to come here?" Naruto replies, "Yes. I came here with the third hokage, he's like my grandfather figure I look up to, also his escorts went with us well like Kakashi Hatake aka "Kakashi Of The Sharingan" and many other nicknames he's called so on and so forth, and then Jiraiya Of The Legendary Sannin. I traveled through the Land Of Fire and Land Of Wind until I made it here in the Hidden Sand Village. When I was traveling I started on my Kenjutsu training with my swords and I was working on a fire style technique that required my swords in order to use the technique. It's like a combination of kenjutsu and fire style being used together to use this technique that I have read the instructions on and mastering the technique itself." As Naruto goes next. Temari surprised at what she just heard from Naruto replies, "Wow that's some traveling Naruto. Plus also interesting hearing about this technique you mastered on using kenjutsu and fire style." Temari then goes next. "Hey Naruto can I look at your swords?" Asked Kankurō. "Sure Kankuro, just be careful alright." "Thanks Naruto and don't worry I will be careful."

 Kankuro then grabs Naruto's swords and unsheathes the swords as he looks at them in awe, "Wow! These swords are perfectly balanced and you kept them prestige shape!" Exclaimed Kankuro. "Yeah, when using kenjutsu you need to keep your swords in good shape and always sharpen them." Replied Naruto. Kankuro then sheathes the swords. "Hey Naruto may I take a look at them?" Asked Temari after she moves her piece. "Sure Temari go ahead." Temari then looks at Naruto's swords, she sees the white and black sheathes and the white and black wrappings around the handle of the swords as she then unsheathes the swords. "These are quite nice and Kankuro's right about them being perfectly balanced, plus you have the Uzumaki Clan crest engraved on the swords." "These are quite familiar it's like I saw these swords in a couple of pictures that mom, dad, Pakura and Baki were in and they originally belonged to a woman with long red hair and she looked beautiful and deadly plus she was a close friend to everyone and Naruto's looks are very familiar like I saw something before. Does Naruto know who is parents are and just what happened to them exactly, also who are his parents?" Temari spoke to herself in her mind. Temari also notices some scrolls that were in Naruto's pockets and Naruto's necklace he is wearing underneath his shirt, "Those scrolls, what kind of Jutsu's was Naruto practicing when he got here? Could one of those scrolls be the one that he talked about earlier? Plus who gave him those scrolls? Also I can see the necklace he has around his neck, did his parents gave him that necklace before something happened to them?" Temari then sheathes the swords and gives them back to Naruto, "Thank you for showing me and Kankuro your swords Naruto." "Your welcome. You know Temari, once we're done playing shogi maybe you can show me your war fan." "Sure I'll show you my war fan Naruto once we're done." They then continue the game, after about an hour Temari gets surprised and frustrated as Naruto moved his next piece instantly and captures her king. 

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