Starfire: Laundry? But you do not have any of the clothes with you.

Robin: Guys? I hate to interrupt, but it looks like we've got bigger problems on our hands right now...

We all glance over at the front steps of the bank ahead of us as an ominous silhouette steps out from the dust as it begins to settle. It's a woman with bright green eyes and long, jet black hair, dressed entirely in equally black clothes. She makes her way down the steps, carrying a pair of large duffel bags in each hand with such a relaxed demeanor that it's almost like we're not even there.

Raven: Who the hell are you?

She looks up and stands still, remaining silent for a few moments while still clutching the duffel bags.

???: That's no way to speak to someone you've never met.

Robin: If you don't answer we're gonna have to take you down by force. Hands up and tell us who you are, now.

Robin pulls out his pistol and points it at the woman, who shrugs and lazily puts the duffel bags down on the floor before unfurling her arms towards the ground.

???: I swear, People have no manners nowadays.

Robin: What?

She grins and slowly begins levitating in the air as a menacing cloud of thick, black fog envelops us until we can no longer see the outside world. We gather around in a circle with our backs to each other, prepared for a surprise assault.

Beast Boy: Uh, guys? The creepy woman just started floating creepily. 

Cyborg: Well, this doesn't look promising.

Robin: Just keep your eyes peeled. She could attack from anywhere-

Boy Wonder suddenly whips around and fires his gun into the fog.

Beast Boy: What? What did you see? ...Robin? Robin!

Robin doesn't respond as he drops his gun, anxiously backing away from what looks to be nothing but thin air.

Robin: ...Slade?

Starfire: Robin, what is going on?

Robin: No... Get away from me!

Jinx: It looks like he's hallucinating.

Robin's breathing accelerates rapidly before he suddenly passes out and falls to the ground.

Beast Boy: How do we stop it?

Jinx: I haven't gotten that far yet!

There's the sound of an impact, followed by a thud as Beast Boy's limp body drops onto the asphalt, unconscious.

Cyborg: Gar! Ok, this isn't good.

Cyborg fires a beam from his cannon as the rest of us follow after, blindly trying to hit something within the cloud of smoke. But one by one, the others succumb to the fog before getting sucked into the blackness.

y/n: Cy, you there?

There's no response as I look over my shoulder to see that Cyborg is now also gone.

y/n: You're a real coward, you know.

I'm not really expecting a response as I glare at the smoke surrounding me, but I get one nonetheless.

???: Call me what you want, I'm still kicking your ass.

y/n: ....What did you do to the others?

???: Oh, don't worry, you're about to find out.

I glance around me, still trying to work something out as I concentrate all of the energy I can to my head to try and stop her from overturning my brain.

???: You have a very strong mind. Impressive.

y/n: I'm... immune to your cheap tricks.

I'm bluffing, hoping to at least learn something, anything at all. I have pretty strong mental defenses thanks to my enhanced ESPer capabilities, but they're not infallible.

Suddenly, I see a flash of movement in the corner of my eye and fire a quick blast into the darkness, unfortunately drawing my attention away from my mental barriers for them to ease up just barely enough.

???: Well, you know honey, nobody's perfect.

A sinking feeling enters my chest as I hear the voice utter these words, as if my heart had plunged all the way down into my stomach. The air around me turns cold as harsh droplets of freezing rainwater start falling from the sky, my breath turning into wisps of water vapor as I exhale shakily. It almost feels like I'm back in Gotham, and not in a good way.

Am I hallucinating? I have to be... why else would it be raining all of a sudden?

???: Nobody's perfect, y/n.

A shiver goes down my spine as I hear a voice echo around me. It's not the same voice as the woman from before, but it's one I know all too well.

???: Did you know... that the harder it is to break into someone's head... the more... real everything feels?

y/n: I know this is a hallucination... you're not real.

???: Oh, but I am. This isn't a hallucination at all. It might look like it, but it's not. These are just your memories, and they're one hundred percent real. I'm just... borrowing your brain for a little bit.

It feels like an ice cold hand is gripping my throat. I can barely breathe anymore, much less speak, as I slump down to the ground. Everything in my body is going numb from the bitter cold and the fear. It's like the nightmare from this morning, all over again. No, worse.

???: Look at me, y/n.

I can barely keep my eyes open as I stare down the dark barrel of a pistol held inches from my face. Everything's so blurry, and... it's all spinning in circles now. My mind is swimming as I slowly feel my consciousness continue to ebb away. The voice is barely audible, drowned in the sound of my ears ringing.

???: ...Smile!

There's a flash of light as the bullet leaves the gun, but there's no sound and no pain. The ground crumbles from under me as the world begins falling up. I try to reach out and touch the pocket of existence that's shrinking ahead of me, but it just keeps moving away so fast until it's become nothing but a small dot of light in the distance.

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