"You were right, Ginny. You don't know what I think." He shut her door and walked around to the driver's side.


Pierre didn't carry Ginny again once they arrived at the hotel. She made it clear she wanted to use her own two feet when she bolted out the passenger door right when he parked. She stood on the sidewalk with a scowl, watching as he took his time getting out of the driver's side. He wiggled his eyebrows at her.

"Impatient are we? You sure do want me in your hotel room huh."

Ginny glared at him- the whites of her eyes more red than usual. She turned her back to him and stumbled towards the door. "Fuck off."

"Gladly." He grinned from ear-to-ear, catching up with her as they walked through the ghost town of a lobby. "Once I get you tucked in."

"And suffocated." Ginny groaned. "I'm not taking that chance, pie face."

"You sure are rude when you're wasted." Pierre placed a hand on her back, keeping her steady once again as they inched towards the elevator.

"I'm not wasted." She let the last word linger in the air. "What're you still doing here anyway? I can get to my room just fine."

Pierre's eyes darkened. "I'm well aware. It's other people I'm worried about."

"Like I'm going to get kidnapped." Ginny scoffed. "I didn't think you'd be such a little worrier, Pierre."

The elevator interrupted his train of thought, dinging with a shrill pitch. The doors slid open and the two of them got into the empty box. The floors were gold and glossy and reflected in the mirrored ceiling. Ginny leaned against the wall with a huff. Pierre pressed her floor button and they moved upwards. Ginny lost her balance from the momentum and fell into him. Pierre caught her swiftly, "I always worry about you."

"No you don't." Ginny pushed him off of her after a moment. "You don't worry about me, you worry about how I could live peacefully without you. That would be your worst nightmare, wouldn't it?"

The doors swung open again and Pierre gripped her arm, yanking her down the hallway. "That's what you've been doing, right? All these years... how do you like it, Ginny? How do you like the world without me?"

Ginny shoved his chest hard, sending him backwards into the wall. Her dark espresso eyes glimmered under the moonlight peaking in through the windows. They flashed with something like sadness too. "How do you like living in the shadow of Charles?"

That hurt Pierre. He felt the pain crack at his heart. His chest rose with tension. "Thought he wasn't your boyfriend?"

"He's not."

"Then why are you using him to hurt me, Ginny?"

She patted her pockets for the room key. She clutched the white card and pointed it directly in his face. "Why do you care if he is? You're not my boyfriend... You're not my anything."

"You keep making that very clear." Pierre clenched his jaw.

Ginny opened the door, but surprisingly didn't slam it before he could step inside. He made sure to clasp the external lock, not wanting anyone to try and get their way in. Even if he was mad at her... he'd always protect her. That's what he'd done all these years... in a weird way.

Ginny fell on her bed with a thud. She kicked off her shoes and squirmed her way beneath the thick comforter. Pierre crossed the room and made himself comfortable in the old-fashioned chair beside the window. Ginny was staring at him. "I'm in bed now. You can go."

"I'm comfortable." Pierre muttered under his breath, kicking his own shoes off and spreading his legs wide.

"Of course you are." Ginny whispered.

"Where are your fans?" He peeked around the bed.

Ginny's cheeks flushed pink. "I have an app."

"For the sound?" Pierre raised a brow. "Nerd."

"It makes my head quiet." She rested her head against the fluffy white pillow. "Otherwise I wouldn't be able to sleep. My head is too loud."

Pierre thought for a moment about what she'd said. Her head had always been loud. Loud of thoughts and overthinking that led to a lifetime of anxiety. And Pierre knew he had only ever added to it. "Why not music? Some songs just put me right to sleep."

"Like what?"

Pierre grinned and started humming. He tilted his head from side to side, watching as Ginny sat up in bed. He opened his mouth and sang a few words. 'L'âme en peine, II vit mais parle à peine'

"You're relentless." Ginny's mouth hung wide open.

"If you had wanted to dance, I would've danced with you. I don't know why you asked Arthur."

"He was my friend."

"So was I." Pierre gritted his teeth. "And I thought we'd be something more."

Ginny stared at him for a minute before turning her back to him. "I'm going to sleep."

Pierre nodded slowly. "Goodnight, etóile."

And he continued humming the song until Ginny's tiny snores filled the room.

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