- Nathan, help Nymeria. I got this. – I command, still focusing on my fight.

- Don't you dare baby me, Caleb. I can hold my own. – she orders firmly, continuing fighting on an equal level against the older alpha.

- Listen to me, Nathan. If he dies, then his pack will weaken, and we might have a chance of surviving this raid. – I state.

- Are you sure? – he hesitates, worried.

- Yes! Just kill him! – I yell and Nathan runs to aid Nymeria.

My fight against Tybalt continues and it starts getting increasingly more difficult to dodge every time he charges at me with that powerful blow against my head. He's adapting to my fighting style. His endurance is outstanding. How the fuck isn't he Alpha? He could certainly defeat Klyn, no doubt. But why does he follow him instead? Being treated like scum by an asshole. I guess it's for the better. I guy so tall and bulk this agile is bad enough without the strength of an Alpha. He launches forward and I take a step back to dodge, but his hand manages to grab my shirt. Shit!

He throws me around like a rag doll, just like Gregory, but every time he tries to close the gap, I use my legs to kick him away. If he gets those arms around me, he'll squeeze me to death. Tybalt throws me to the ground and pins me, his hand still on my shirt. I use my legs to maintain his body away from me but damn he's heavy. It looks like we entered a stalemate, he can't find a way to get close enough to kill me and I can't free myself. Seeing this, the Beta looks up and speaks.

- Alpha, watch your left. – he warns and Klyn manages to dodge Nathan's attack.

This is it, he got distracted. I swing my leg as fast as possible and hit his left ear, hard. The kick sounded loud and managed to stun him. He let go of me and I immediately stood up.

- Caleb, are you okay? – Nathan asks as I continue to struggle.

- Don't worry, just kill the fucker! – I exclaim and charge while he's off-balance.

I close the distance and start my series of attacks. He can only defend, taking every hit. There's blood dripping from his ear, I probably hit the eardrum, causing him to lose balance. I should be safe to attack while it heals. I continue with my series of attacks, aiming them against weak spots that might give me some advantage afterward. I target his knees and ribs, interchanging my blows ever so often so as not to be predictable. The longer I attack, the more I understand that there's no way I could defeat Tybalt on a 1 vs 1. He looks unfazed by the damage of my attacks. If it weren't because of his eardrum, I doubt I'd be able to land so many hits. No less, I don't allow him to recover and continue hitting him.

That's when I sense something coming from behind, the vibrations of his steps moving quickly. I turn around quickly to spot a rogue heading towards me, fangs and claws out, ready to fight just a couple of meters away. Perhaps a member of their pack ready to defend his superiors. He throws a powerful slash, which I dodge and dig my claws into his abdomen in return. Whoever he is, is not well trained. The guy curses under his breath before attacking again. He's a lot slower than Tybalt, so it's quite easy to dodge his attacks. We continue sparing like this for some time, each exchange resulting in my favor. However, regardless of the number of slashes of punches he receives, the ma refuses to give up. He has heart I'll give him that, but I don't have time for this. I punch his stomach, causing him to gasp for air. I hold him by the neck and snap it without hesitation. His lifeless body hit the ground with an empty sound.

I take a deep breath and steady myself. I'm sorry my brother, your life should not end today. May the Moon Goddess hold you in her good will and may you dance upon the stars with our brothers and sisters. I say quickly. Taking someone's life should never be praised, but if inevitable then we should pay our respects. Inspecting my surroundings, it's a complete mess, the town is torn to shreds. There's blood everywhere and people continue fighting. To my relief the majority belong to my pack, perhaps we'll live... but what kind of living is burying the dead, our friends and family, so many pointless deaths. Pain and sadness threaten to overpower my body, but I', forced to shake the feeling for the moment. This is not over. My head turns to my worst fear. Klyn has Nymeria on the ground, his hand on her neck.

- Nymeria!!! – I scream with desperation.

She's fighting to survive, but the alpha is overpowering her. My body moves without me telling it to, but I worry I won't be fast enough. Nymeria tries to throw a punch, but Klyn dodges and slams her head to the ground, landing a powerful punch on her face. Nymeria's eyes fickle a little before fainting. He has her, he's going to kill her. That's when I see Nathan rise from the ground and launch at Klyn from behind. He lands on his back and grabs his neck.

- Let her go! – he commands.

- We both know you don't have what it takes kid. If you want to stop me, then you'll have to kill me. – the alpha says. Psychopath.

- No. – I yell my lungs out as Klyn is about to kill Nymeria when Nathan slashes his neck.

My blood freezes blood comes out of Klyn's neck. He brings his hands to his neck, trying to stop the bleeding. He turns around with a dumbfounded look at Nathan. Not believing he actually did it. To be honest, I didn't think he'd do it either.

- Yo...u, you li-ttl-e sh-it. – the Alpha speaks with blood coming out of his mouth. His body collapses to the ground, dead. I rush to my mate worried.

- Nathan, are you okay? - I ask. His eyes were fixated on his hands covered in blood. – Look at me, Nate. – I call gabbing his face making him look at me. – It's okay, you're okay. Don't worry about him. –

- I killed him. – he says in disbelief. – I'm a killer. –

- No, you're not. You saved Nymeria, he was going to kill her. – I say, holding his head close to mine.

- Still, I... - he started hyperventilating.

- Nathan, stay with me. Please, it's not o... -

I'm cut short by a loud howl coming from behind. The howl was filled with pain and sadness, and I could almost share his misery. My eyes landed on a wolf, a huge brown wolf a couple of feet away. His size is comparable with that of Alaric, perhaps even bigger. His murderous blue eyes intertwine with mine, and it hits me. That's Tybalt.

- Nathan, we need to run. – I call, but his eyes are still lost. He's in shock.

A threatening growl sends chills down my spine as Tybalt charges at us. Nathan can't seem to snap out of it. Accepting my fate y stand in front of Nathan, ready to protect him, even if I need to give my life for his. The giant wolf launches at me with one big jump. His jaw opens, exposing a set of murderous teeth ready to tear me into pieces. Then another wolf collided against midair, biting his neck. The wolf was significantly smaller and had a reddish-brown color to it. Tybalt managed to shake him off with ease and growled at him. Despite the size difference, the smaller wolf did not quiver in fear. He stood his ground like he was hunting prey. Tybalt was about to attack when four more wolves appeared surrounding him. Feeling outnumbered, the giant wolf glared at me one last time before running off into the forest. The five wolves followed.

An overwhelming sensation overtook my body. My face turned immediately. A pack of werewolves ran toward us all in their wolf form, attacking the rogues and helping my pack. There must be over a hundred. What the hell? Then I remembered, Nathan...this must be the River Valley pack. A wave of relief washed through my body, we managed to survive. Nymeria and my pack are safe now... my mate is safe.


I'll be updating again tomorrow. The story is finished, but I'm just checking some minor spelling. Hope you enjoy it.

RoguesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora